Lawn Killing Spree

For months now, I have carefully prepped, pampered and mooned over the new lawn that I am trying to establish. FINALLY it was starting to look good: full, green, with no moss or bald patches. 'Was' being the operative word. Last week, I decided to fertilize it as it had been looking a little too light in color. I never use a spreader or any other precise scientific method. Nope, I use an approach that resembles scattering seed to the birds. Thus, some patches received more fertilizer than others. This is not a good thing.

To compound the situation, the next few days were sunny and I didn't water as I should have. The result? My lawn actually looks much like it did last fall, with a few green spots like so many islands in an ocean of dead brown grass. So, I had to reseed those spots yet again. Who knows how long it will take before my lawn looks nice again. One thing is certain however, I will not be fertilizing it again any time soon! The picture above was actually taken a week after this happened, so the lawn recovered quickly at least.

I went out this morning to see if perhaps magically the lawn had regrown overnight . . . it hadn't.


  1. Hello,

    I'm the assistant multimedia producer for and I'm writing to request use of one of your photos.

    HouseLogic published by the National Association of Realtors®, covers home ownership-related topics.

    Specifically, I'd like permission to use the above image of your lawn in a HouseLogic article “How To Prevent Weeds From Ever Sprouting.”

    Contact me at for more details.



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