
Let me just first state that I love craigslist. Its so efficient. I have bought a car, found several jobs and even furnished the majority of my home via craigslist. Every now and again however, I experience some interesting encounters; like the people who write nasty emails because you did not take down an ad THE SECOND after you sold an item. Or when you say '1st come, 1st serve' and they're mad when they show up too late. Hello? I didn't say 'free to the 1st 50 to arrive.' Jeesh!

Then there are the folks who post ridiculous ads. I like to browse ads every now and again for sundry items, just to see if anything good is out there. Today I was browsing household items and I ran across an ad for a claw foot tub. As per my penchant for old-timey items, this caught my interest at just $45. Wow I thought, what a great deal. Then I clicked on the link. OH. MY. GOD!

Except for at a junkyard, I have never seen a more disgusting, ghetto example of a 'tub.' It was not only lacking feet, but it appeared to be smeared in mud, possibly cracked and sitting half submerged in mud in the middle of a grassy field. Really? I get all that for $45? AND I get to pick it up myself? Awesome, sign me up! Man, I would be worried about that thing even touching our truck. Michael is under the opinion that they were probably 'testing the waters' (waters, bath tub, ha ha ha), but the last two things I want to think about together are muddy fields and my potential cleanliness. Call me picky.
