New Year's Frost

2011 has come on the wings of a frosty front moving through the Northwest. Everything sparkles in the sunlight like the diamond fairy has come overnight (I wish the diamond fairy would visit me!). I think that if this kind of weather wasn't so dangerous for my plants, I could enjoy it more. Ironically, it is during frosty weather (when the hoses are put away and all the outdoor water valves are shut down) that you need to water most. When the ground freezes it pulls water away from plant roots and they die of dehydration, not cold. My solution this morning was to fill two old milk jugs with water from the kitchen sink and go around and water the most sensitive plants. It took about 5 trips, 10 gallons in all to get it done. I hope it works.

Its funny, I lose plants every year and I generally blame it on the cold. I was reminded this morning however, that temperature is not the only culprit. I have a serious vole infestation and this time of year they survive on eating plant roots and my flower bulbs. As I was watering this morning I saw two little hamster like creatures run out of their hole and into another. Apparently the water forced them out of their den. YES! Every spring I see plants begin to leaf out only to immediately collapse a few days later, if they even leaf out at all. It's no wonder when they have no roots! The little buggers are incorrigible.

Today I am going to Ace to get some sonic spikes. Supposedly they make a high frequency sound inaudible to humans but intolerable to the voles. I am desperate to try anything and if this doesn't work, they will be poisoned next. They are so frustrating to deal with. At least with mice or rats, they are above ground which makes trapping or poisoning them easier. When the animal is 2 feet underground its a lot harder to stop them. Here's hoping the spikes work!
