The Harvest has Begun

These last few weeks, I have kept very busy harvesting and replanting things in the garden. I recently harvested the last of the lettuce and cabbage and replaced them with cucumbers, and summer and winter squash.

In the fruit department, the strawberries have been almost too much for me to handle. If I don't go out every night and pick at least two pounds, they will be rotting the next day. As I don't want the smell to attract animals to my yard, I really have to keep on top of it. Not that I am complaining.

Similarly, but on a slightly smaller scale, the raspberries have really come on strong and I am able to harvest about a pint per day. This is the perfect amount for me as they generally don't make it into the house, past my mouth. The blueberries are sort of trickling along. I am able to get a couple of handfuls per day. Of course, as the bushes grow, this will increase.

All in all, it has been a productive summer so far. In the next few weeks I expect to harvest my first cucumbers, more cherry tomatoes and perhaps a pepper and some zucchini. Exciting stuff!
