Life with 3

Our son is now two days old! He is doing really well so far. We had a scary incident yesterday morning though that made us both more terrified than we have been in some time.

I was asleep and at around 4:30 am, Michael went to go check on William in his crib. Suddenly I hear Michael call my name, urgently, in a panic (I've never heard him that scared before). I groggily ran in and Michael's shoulder was covered with brown blood. He told me that the blood had just come out of Will's mouth! We immediately paged my midwife and she called us back within 2 minutes. As we frantically described what was happening, our midwife explained that Will had swallowed some blood (from one of my tears), and since blood often doesn't digest well, he was expelling it now. She further explained that since it was brown in color (not bright red), it was likely old blood and not from a new source. She told us to keep an eye on it, and if it got any worse, we might need to take him to a hospital to get him checked out. Luckily, over the course of the day, he did spit a little more out, but it was less and less each time. As of this afternoon, we haven't seen any more for hours and I think we are in the clear. Such a scary experience though! I never knew it was normal for babies to spit up blood! The more you know.

Aside from that incident, we are figuring out breastfeeding and my milk has come in. He wasn't sure what to make of it in the beginning, but hes slowly learning. He has dropped 9% of his weight from birth so we need to make sure he is getting plenty of milk in the next few days. He is a calm, sleepy baby. When he is awake, he is wide eyed, alert and quiet. You can see him looking around, taking everything in, and trying to figure this new world out. It is pretty precious to see. One of our favorite activities of late is watching him sleep. His facial expressions are so changeable. They will go from cute smiles, to grimaces in a matter of moments. William is our new favorite show :) We are just head over heels in love with this new member of our family.
