Passionate About Food

While pregnant, I had an inkling that William would like to eat. Every time I ate something, particularly if it was a crunchy something, he would start wiggling and kicking and acting excited. I could just imagine him in there, eagerly anticipating the new flavors and foods coming down the pipe. It was pretty cute. That didn't prepare me however for the level of intensity he displays when it comes to meal time now.

If so help you god, you keep him from the boob for one millisecond, you will have some explaining to do mister! He gets so excited about the prospect of eating, he starts wiggling, arching his back, stretching, kicking and shaking his head from side to side violently. Not unlike when he was in the womb. Many times, I have to somewhat wrestle him into position just to get the boob in his mouth. Michael laughs every time he sees this because, while from my position its a stressful situation, from his position I'm sure its freaking hilarious to observe.

Once he finally gets the nipple into his mouth, the loud slurping and gulping sounds are evidence of both his desperation and enjoyment. He acts as though we haven't fed him in decades, though its only been 2 hours or so. William's feistiness during meal time is particularly amusing as the rest of the time, he is a fairly calm baby. Food is just a hot button issue for him I guess. I am curious as to how he will behave once its time to introduce solid food. I can just imagine him demolishing some pureed squash, cookie monster-style. Only time will tell!
