Now that William has been with us for a little over a week now, I have been reflecting on all the little things that he does that make Michael and I laugh on a regular basis. For starters, he is a lot feistier than I imagined him to be while he was in utero. He was such a calm baby in the womb, rarely kicking and gentle in his movements. Now that he is out however, he is quite an active little guy. During awake times he is constantly waving his arms, arching his back, whipping his head from side to side and kicking his legs. While he is asleep the activity level is only slightly decreased. I've never known a baby to be such an active sleeper. Its no wonder he easts so much, the kid is constantly burning calories like nobody's busness. Its like he wants to make up for 9 months of inactivity.
His feisty side comes out at meal times as well. When he is hungry, he definitely lets you know it. Trying to get him to latch is sometimes an outright battle. He will whip his head from side to side, making an 'eh' 'eh' 'eh' sound, and then eagerly latch on and begin making greedy sucking sounds. He reminds me of a little piglet. A very cute piglet to be sure! His preference is to try to suck on both the nipple as well as however much hand he can wedge into the side of his mouth. As you can imagine, the hand interferes a bit with his latch, so I am forever grabbing his hand and moving it back down. He does not like this one bit! In the course of one feed I probably have to move his hand at least 10 times. Meal time is truly a battle ground. While I find all this mildly amusing, I will be glad when this particular phase is over!
He does have his peaceful moments as well. He is starting to have more awake time during the days (which is nice). And often during these times (if he is not hungry), he is quiet and alert. He makes cute little noises and looks all around. He isn't quite able to focus on faces yet, but he loves to look out windows and at objects around the house. He loves to suck on his hand and tries to get his entire fist in his mouth. Sadly his mouth is too small but he does his best anyway.
As you can tell, we are both just enamored with this little chap of ours. Michael is quite the baby hog and snuggles him on his shoulder or sits him upright in his lap as much as he can. I like to nap with him on my chest. He is such a little hot box, I don't even need a blanket! William's first office visit is this week and I am excited to see how much weight he has gained since his initial decline right after birth. I have a feeling he is back up to birth weight and maybe a little more! So far, life with our little man has been good. Michael is going to start going back to work next week so I will have to adjust to doing everything myself while he is gone. I hope I can manage!

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