William at 2 months

William is  8 weeks old already! I cannot believe how fast time has flown by. Its amazing how much changes in such a short time with a newborn. He was born weighing 7lbs, 2oz and 19 3/4" long. Today he 10lbs 14.2oz, 23 1/4" long and has a head circumference of 15 1/4"!

 He is growing out of outfits so quickly that he hasn't even worn some of them (many of them only once!). He is changing in other ways as well. He is better able to see now and can track things with his eyes. Mobiles and toys are things of infinite wonder now, whereas they weren't even on the radar just a few weeks ago. He knows my voice and will watch me walk across a room. He also loves to look at Michael and will stare at him when he gets home from work. Diaper changes are also no longer the epic disasters and tear fests they once were. He has figured out the they only result in being clean and dry! Amazing :)

His eyes have gotten lighter blue and his hair is a bit blonder, with hints of red. But for the most part it still looks brownish. His cheeks are extra chubby now and his whole body has filled out. He is such a busy guy. When he is awake he is constantly moving every limb, all the time. Its like a full body workout. Its no wonder that he eats every two hours all day long! He must be burning calories like crazy. We love seeing the constant changes every day brings as well as watching his little personality emerge, bit by bit. I just love this little guy so much!
