His latest social skill is learning to communicate non-verbally. If he wants to be held, he will tap your leg or arm, and indicates his desire to be picked up by raising his arms as you approach him. He also recently got a new, big boy car seat, and once the straps are unbuckled, he will push himself out of the seat, and raise his arms out to be lifted up. Both Michael and I think this is really cute. I'm sure that sentiment wont last long.

He is making all kinds of new sounds lately. Vowels, consonants, raspberries, gurgling and shrieking are all part of the repertoire. He has said 'dadadada' (though not in reference to anyone) and even something that sounded suspiciously like 'mom' the other day. These are not true words, just random sounds, but it still excites me. You can just look at him and know that he has something to say. Whenever it is that he does finally figure out how to speak, he will likely be a non-stop chatter box.

as I am not ready for him to be ambulatory yet! His other new skill is playing with new kinds of toys. His favorite is this one where you push on a button and a door pops up. He hasn't really figured out how to open the doors quite yet, but he loves to shut them once they are open. So I have spent many an hour pushing the buttons and watching him shut the doors. Its pretty cute to see how determined he is to close all of the doors as quickly as possible!
All of this activity has started to disrupt his sleep (in addition to teething pain), and his once long naps, have become shorter and shorter. Once they reduced down to 15 minute cat naps, I knew something had to be done. Thus, we started letting him learn to put himself to sleep by crying it out. I hated having to resort to this strategy, and letting him cry without rescuing him was very hard for me, but I have to admit that it was a stunning success. Today, after only 3 days of working on this strategy, he had 3 naps. The first two lasted an hour and he cried for less than a minute each, and the last one was 30 minutes and he didn't cry at all. I am hoping this will be our new way of doing things. He is just getting too big to rock to sleep anymore!
In conclusion, I will leave you with this little ditty created by Michael. The background is that every time we change William's diaper, we put this diaper cream on him, to prevent diaper rash. The cream comes in stick form, and is yellow, and kind of looks like butter. So as Michael was changing a poopy diaper tonight, I overheard him singing this song to Will:
We butter your butt, yes we do
We do it after you poo
We use this to butter your ass
and then you go pass gas
We butter your ass, oh yes!
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