As of this morning, William now weighs 21.5lbs, has a head circumference of 18.25", and is 30 1/2" long.
William is now 13 months, and this new month has brought many changes. Probably the biggest change for me is that he is now totally done breastfeeding, much to my dismay. Interestingly enough, right before he stopped breastfeeding for good, he suddenly started thinking that breastfeeding was funny. He'd latch on, and then latch off again, look at my nipple and laugh like it was the funniest thing in the world that I'd want him to breastfeed. Eventually he would nurse for a little bit (way shorter than he used to, about 4 minutes total instead of 8-10 minutes). But he'd always finish, look down and laugh again. It was like he was thinking, "Mom, this is ridiculous!"

In the language department, William is babbling a lot, saying some words and mimicking sounds. He makes a "mooo" sound when I read him a book about a cow. I read him another book about a monkey and made the sound, "ooo ooo ah ah" and he said "ah ah ah." He has also started mimicking Michael and I in one very specific way: sighing. If either of us lets out an exasperated sigh, William copies it exactly, tone, duration and everything. It is adorable and usually makes us forget about whatever we were exasperated about to begin with! His very first word came out the other day, when we gave Will an apple and said, "Will do you want an apple?" He eagerly reached for it and said "apple!" I should have known his first word would be food related! This kid loves to eat! He also excitedly says "book" when I bring one out to read to him, he says "cheese" when I give him cheese,
He is learning to share. He will be playing with something, and if I hold my hand out, he will hand it to me (most of the time). Then I hand it back to him, and on and on it goes. Such a fun, simple little game. He also will share food, holding it out in his grimy, sticky little hand, or try to put it in my mouth. Usually I decline those offerings, as sweet as they are.Occasionally I will oblige him and take a little nibble, and the look of satisfaction on his face is priceless!
He can now put objects back into containers,

William is turning into an opinionated, very social and extremely active baby who wants to explore everything, everywhere constantly. He is quite a handful at times, and other times he is just a joy to be around. He reminds me of Michael a lot with his sense of humor. We laugh together all the time. He can be so sweet also, giving me hugs and kisses and wanting to cuddle in my lap. He doesn't like to be left alone for more than a minute or two, and loves to play with other kids. He certainly isn't shy (yet) like both Michael and I were as children. In fact, if you briefly leave the room, he will stand on the other side of the baby gate and shriek as loudly as he can (and its pretty freakin loud) until he either has your attention, or you re-enter the room. He is not to be ignored. Most of the time though, he is very well behaved and fun to be around. I am looking forward to him starting to talk a little more, and to be able to communicate with him more clearly.
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