Today is my 30th birthday and I am also exactly 20 weeks pregnant as well. Pretty coincidental timing in my opinion! This pregnancy is rocking along, going about as well as can be expected. I am measuring 2 weeks ahead, but that is only because I have a short torso. I also measured ahead with William and he was born 2 weeks early. My midwife says that women with short torsos tend to give birth sooner as the baby just gets too squished. So with that in mind, I would not be surprised if I give birth at the end of July instead of the beginning of August.

My belly is ever-growing, and I am feeling a lot of movement these days. The movement has settled into periods of more or less predictable activity. She is a pretty calm baby generally (in every ultrasound she has been just as calm as could be . . . a marked difference from her big brother, who was a wild man in there!), but will have a period of activity (kicks and rolls mostly) after every meal, and right before bed. Actually given that she is now 10" long and weighs around a half pound, its actually pretty amazing I can't feel her move more!
I have been enjoying buying girly clothes and have pretty much given into the temptation to buy every frilly, lacy, pink thing I can find. I will smother her with so many girly clothes in her early years, she will likely turn into a tom boy just to spite me! haha! Anyway, things are going well, we are slowly recovering from our family-wide illness last week and life is pretty good. Later this week I have my anatomy scan scheduled. So at that time, we will rule out any physical anomalies and double check the gender. I cant wait to see our little girl in action again. I will be sure to post pictures when I get them :)
Just for fun, below is a comparison from when I was 20 weeks pregnant with William, versus now. William is on the left, and this little one is on the right:

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