The next morning (Wednesday), he woke up totally miserable and constantly barking/coughing. It was evident at that point that he had croup. He started off with a fever of 101.3 and after giving him some Tylenol, it came down and he seemed to at least be in less pain. He was so listless though. He just wanted to be held constantly. I turned on some cartoons and cuddled him in my lap and we stayed there all day. He took a long nap and went to bed early. The poor thing was just so miserable and would cry if you left him for even a minute. Thursday was much the same. He wouldn't eat and the only thing we could get him to drink was clear Gatorade. At least he was drinking though! In 3 days, the only thing Will would eat (total) was 3 oz of oatmeal, a handful of cereal, one small bite of applesauce, a handful of goldfish crackers and a half of one pear wedge. That's it! He was drinking 12-15oz of Gatorade daily until Friday, when he reduced his intake to maybe 7oz all day. I think that was the day he felt the worst. On Friday I took him into the doctor, since I also had a prenatal appointment that day. They told me to let him have his fever, and only administer Tylenol if he seemed to be in pain, or if the fever shot up past 103. They said his lungs sounded clear, despite the cough and nasal congestion. His nose just constantly ran. Saturday was about the same. He was lethargic, refused to eat, cried if you weren't holding him and coughed and sneezed constantly. The Nose Frida Snot Sucker definitely came in handy multiple times! Luckily Michael was there to help out over the weekend.

By Tuesday morning Will seemed to feel pretty much back to normal, and I felt a little better. Definitely on the upswing. This has been by far, the worst illness we have ever had in the last 3 years. I guess I should count my blessings that we haven't had to deal with worse in Will's 18 months with us. Having a sick baby is the worst. So the moral of this story is, don't get croup!
P.S. I found that a combo of Vicks VapoSteam and Elderberry cough syrup did wonders for Will's cough and ability to breathe! Definitely doing that again next time!
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