Pregnancy Update

I am 38 weeks and 1 day pregnant as of this morning. I am in the final days of this pregnancy thank goodness! I have been in a lot of pain and discomfort. This past weekend I endured hours of contractions. Both weekend days they happened constantly, varying in frequency, but never completely going away. They were not 'real' labor contractions, and were more like intense Braxton Hicks contractions (only slightly painful and I did have to breathe through them, with very little cervical pain), but it was still exciting to feel something start to happen. Each morning I would wake up disappointed that no baby had arrived during the night. Another good sign was that ever since Friday night, I had been losing lots of pieces of mucous plug. As gross as that sounds, it was an encouraging sign that baby was close to being born!

Finally, today I had my 38 week prenatal appointment. I told my midwife all about my busy weekend of contractions, and I had her check my cervix, just to see if any of those contractions had resulted in any cervical changes that she could detect. She had checked me last Thursday and I was 2.5cm and I was between 80-90% effaced. Today I was 3cm dilated, 90% effaced and she said that baby is in the perfect anterior occiput position (head down and engaged in my pelvis, with her back against the left side of my uterus and her feet against the right side). She said that she can also feel my bag of water bulging, which means that the sac is starting to separate from my uterine wall. She said that I will likely go into labor sometime this week and that if I am still pregnant next week, she will be shocked. She said that once she can feel that amniotic sack bulging, its usually a matter of days!  :)

So that was great news and I am excited that I don't have too much longer to wait. Stay tuned for updates!
