Nora suddenly 'woke up' this week. She isn't as sleepy and is awake for many more hours at a time. Unfortunately this has translated to her being much harder to put down to sleep. She has decided that she would much rather sleep on me or Michael than in her vibrating chair or crib. If she wakes up to find herself there, she is usually pretty disgruntled and requires that someone pick her up immediately.

Getting her to sleep in her crib at night has been harder as well. I have to make sure she is totally asleep before attempting it. If she is not, her eyes will fly open the moment her head touches the mattress and she will cry until you pick her up. I have spent upwards of an hour feeding her and getting her back to sleep each time she wakes at night which is tough as she is still waking up every 2-3 hours . She is currently in the middle of a growth spurt. Her feeding intervals have gone from 3-4 hours during the day, to 1-2 or less, and she will frequently spend 10 minutes draining one boob, only to cry that she is hungry 10-15 minutes later, and then drain the 2nd boob. So I have not been able to pump as much lately, but thats ok because that means Eleanor is getting all of the milk she needs. She now weighs 9lbs 14oz so she is clearly gaining weight fairly well.

This week has been the week of the unsightly maladies. My sweet girl's unblemished skin has been absolutely covered (and I mean every square inch of skin) with either baby acne or erythema toxicum (normal baby rash) or a combination thereof. In addition her goopy eye infection/blocked tear duct is back and she is developing a pretty gnarly case of cradle cap. My poor baby is just covered in all of the unsightly things that she could possibly have right now. I am hoping this phase is short lived and her poor face starts to clear up soon. The good news is that it doesn't seem to bother her at all and she has been very patient with all of my applications of eye ointment, aquaphor and face washing. The other good news is that she broke out the day after her newborn pictures were taken. Talk about good timing!

Another piece of good news is that her episodes of choking and silent reflux have been decreasing (not that it ever happened all that frequently to begin with) and she has only spit up a handful of times over the past few days. All in all, things are going well, I am just trying to adjust to the severe lack of sleep and a baby who, unlike Will as a newborn, does not like to be put down, even into a swing. So I have been wearing her in the Moby wrap a lot as that at least gives me two free hands and puts her soundly asleep every time. Of course I hope that this is a short lived phase, but I have a feeling she is going to be a more clingy child than Will was, so that should be fun! Its hard to believe that it has already been 3 weeks since she was born! Time is already going by too fast :)
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