Shes been having a ton of very wet diapers but so far has not settled into a dirty diaper routine. She can go a few days between dirty diapers, which is weird to me since Will was always like clockwork (and still is). My pediatrician says that this may be because she had so many antibiotics in the hospital, that it might have temporarily messed up her digestive tract and she will need time to rebuild her colonies of good bacteria in her gut.
She is so interesting in the sense that she is SUCH a different baby than Will was. Will cried a lot and cried easily when he was awake. He slept a lot but once he was awake, he wanted to eat and he let everyone know it. He still cries a lot. She on the other hand barely cries at all. About the most you hear out of her is an irritated squawk or two. She is just so mellow! She doesn't like to be swaddled and he loved it. She doesn't love the swing or the vibrating chair and he couldn't get enough of them, she is not a fan of gripe water when Will loved the stuff (which is unfortunate since it would help some of her gas issues), and she likes to snuggle on your shoulder to fall asleep when Will hated that position. None of these things are major issues. She seems to be a great sleeper and is a nursing champ (except for her somewhat crappy latch), but I feel a bit like a first time mom all over again, trying to figure out what this baby needs. Its true what they say about every child being different, even from day one! They just like to keep us on our toes ;)
Some other cute observations I've made about her:
- She likes to snuggle her head/face into my neck and fall asleep
- When she is hungry, she will bury her face into my neck and try and suck on my neck
- She is not great at burping yet and so has a lot of gas. Its often the case that you will be holding her and she will be letting out fart after stinky fart. Such a delicate little flower :)
- She sneezes exactly like Michael. I never thought the way someone sneezed was predetermined until now. Its also made me realize that Will sneezes exactly like me. So funny!
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