William at 25 Months

Ok I know I said I was going to stop updating about Will, but I just can't help it. This age is SOOO cute. He comes up with new stuff all the time and I feel like I have to document it, because things change so rapidly that something he does one day, he no longer does the next. There are several things on the list below that he has since stopped doing. But man these things are cute while they last!

His language skills continue to explode and I swear he learns 1-2 new words or ideas every day! So far his longest word is "ambulance" and sounds like, "Aamu-wence." Yesterday he crawled onto our bed, laid his head on Michael's pillow, closed his eyes and announced that he was going to, "fweep" (sleep). Motorcycle is pronounced "Da-kle" (rhymes with tackle). When we ask him if he wants something, or wants to go somewhere, he answers very clearly, "yes!" He now answers "yes!" to everything, even to things he doesn't want. Then when we hand him the thing we think he has just requested, he cries. The funny thing is, he knows how to say, "no" and use it in the correct context. I guess he just hasn't quite figured out when to use each of those words in every situation.

Apart from new words, he also is thinking differently as well. He can now count to 10 and knows some of his letters (if he spots one he will say the letter name). I guess all of the PBS cartoons we have been letting him watch have been educational after all! *facepalm* He is learning from Nora as well. He now does a fake cry to get attention. Usually I kind of laugh at this and it makes him laugh and stop crying, which is a relief. Last thing I need is two kids crying at the same time (which is somewhat unavoidable but I try to limit it)!

Here are some other cute things from this month:

  • He hates to get his hands dirty, so if he is going down some stairs and the railing is dirty, he will grip the rail with clenched fists to avoid getting dirt on his palms
  • Will all of a sudden likes to sleep under his bumper, in the corner of his crib, facing the door. Often you walk in there and you see him staring you down immediately. I guess he just wants to be prepared for anyone to walk through that door at any time
  • He tailors his book selection at bedtime to whomever is putting him to bed that night. He has me read specific books that Michael never does, and vice versa. He must like the way we each read those particular books. The one book in particular that he no longer has me read (and I am grateful for that) is Love You Forever, by Robert Munsch. It makes me cry every time I read it and Michael thinks that this is why Will never has me read it anymore.
  • He does this new stall tactic to delay bed time. Will starts crying in this very injured tone and the runs to the fridge and acts like hes hungry. He starts pointing to all of this food like he is just starving when I know hes not. Usually I just tell him that its time for bed and he needs to go pick out a book for us to read to him.
  • William wanted to hold Eleanor for the first time the other night. He was SO proud of himself that he didn't want to hand her back over afterwards.
    It was cute to see him finally taking a little more interest in her than the occasional head pat. Since then he has done it a few more times and each time he is just so excited and proud!
  • He conned a kid out of a toy at the playground. He saw that this little 14 month old was playing with the truck that he wanted. So he grabbed another, less desirable truck and casually walked over to the younger kid. He pretended to play with the "bad" truck and acted like it was the greatest thing in the world for a few minutes, then nonchalantly walked away a few feet. Sure enough, the other kid dropped the "cool" truck that Will wanted to play with and grabbed the "bad" truck that Will had just been playing with. As soon as it was clear that the "cool" truck had been abandoned by the 14 month old, Will quickly grabbed it and ran off with it, the younger boy none the wiser. I had to laugh!
  • We live right next to a public staircase that descends down the hill, to a bus stop directly below us. From this staircase, you can stand and observe all of the traffic that goes by on the very busy main road below us. One of Will's favorite activities is to go down this staircase and watch all of the heavy equipment trucks that go by. He will point out buses, tow trucks, dump trucks, freight trucks, etc, and he gets very excited about it all. Michael has taught him that before we take him down there, he needs to ask to do it first. His request is adorable so I thought I would share it :)
