William at 26 months

As of this morning, William now weighs 26.5lbs, has a head circumference of 19 1/8" and is 35 3/4" tall.

Because I am feeling lazy this month (also we are all sick and I am exhausted), instead of writing out this month's update, instead I will just list all of the cute new things that are going on:

  • After months of me trying and failing to get him excited about coloring, suddenly he likes to color and requests to do so often. His favorite thing to draw is an airplane and he will spend up to an hour sitting there, uncapping one pen, making a mark, recapping the pen and then grabbing another. I suspect that he enjoys practicing his fine motor skills with the pen caps as much as he does the actual coloring!
  • Speaking of color, he is getting much better about identifying correct colors and gets his guesses right more than half the time now. His favorite color is green and he identifies it with gusto.
  • He can count to 10 and loves the number 18 particularly for whatever reason. He walks around saying it all the time.
  • Will likes to dance and will stomp his feet and spin while he does so.
  • He regularly sings in the car. Some songs I recognize. Most I do not.
  • Will talked on the phone for the first time. He actually listened and responded appropriately. Before if the phone came near him,he would duck his head and run away.
  • He kisses Nora on the cheek and pets her belly and wants to hold her on his lap often. When he sees one of us picking her up he exclaims, "lap! lap!"
  • When Nora cries, he tells me that the "baby kwy-ing!" as if I didn't already know!
  • He asks me to "read book?" and can identify a few of his favorite titles by name (he calls "My New Baby" the "baby book" and "The Best Mouse Cookie" the "cookie book").
  • His climbing skills continue to improve and he climbs everything he possibly can.
  • He is also now into climbing onto my back and riding me like a horse, every time I happen to kneel on the ground. He asks for horsey rides by saying "horse?" or "back?" and neighing.
  • He can identify a variety of animals by name and can make the appropriate animal sounds associated with them.   
  • He likes to crawl into our bed, get under the covers, lay his head on our pillows and say, "fweep!"
  • His new phrase is "I have one?" and will ask for things like eggs, pancakes, cookies, chocolate (chwok?) and strawberries (he would eat an entire pint in one sitting if I would let him), as in, "pancakes. I have one?"
  • He is OBSESSED with watching this singing truck show on youtube (twenty trucks), and asks to watch the "twok show" at least 10 times a day. I usually let him once or twice.
  • He loves to brush his teeth with my toothbrush (I actually reserve a special brush just for this reason) and toothpaste (he calls it pee-pace) lately and asks every chance he gets. Its pretty cute.
  • He peed on the potty for the very first time the other day, and has repeated the feat a few times since then. We are a LONG way off from being fully potty trained, but it was a start. I am certainly not trying to rush anything though and am letting him take the lead.
