Since I wrote my last post about his streak of rotten behavior, its actually gotten a bit better, and I think its because hes finally started incorporating all of the words hes been learning, into his everyday language. He can communicate SO much better, and it has made him SO much less frustrated and much more pleasant to be around.

Some examples of his new language skills are as follows: He has finally started to refer to me as "mom" in a limited sense. He will say, "thank you mom!" or exclaim, "mom!" When I come in the door after leaving the house. Its pretty cute if I do say so myself :) Yellow is pronounced "lo-lo" and pizza is pronounced "peat-zo,"and cat is "tat." its funny, he can say some sounds, but hasn't learned how to incorporate those sounds into words yet. For example, Will can say, "grrrr," perfectly pronouncing the 'r', but when he say red, it comes out as "wed."Forklift is "schwift" and PJs are "pees."Oatmeal is "mel-mo" or "mombo." Uncle is "munkle." Finally in the last week or so, he has started identifying trucks by name rather than just calling every truck "truck." For example, he now says, "bulldozer" and "firetruck" and "backhoe."

He can count to 10 all by himself unprompted. He is really excited about that skill and walks around counting things all the time. So far he can only count to 10 though and refuses to go past 10. He even cries a little when you suggest blasphemy such as 11, 12 or 13. Its pretty funny. He can also identify the numbers 1-10. He can also identify most of the alphabet (capital letters and some lower case ones), as well as the colors, red, pink, purple, orange, blue, green, white and black. Yellow confuses him still funnily enough. We are just starting to work on shapes, so it will be a while before hes has those down. His mind is just like a little sponge these days! I love it.

Its clear that his mind is developing in other ways as well. He has started to fib from time to time. The funniest thing happened the other day. I was trying to give Nora some meds and Will (who has always been crazy for any flavored medicine . . . just like me fyi) wanted it in the worst way. First he tried to grab it out of my hand. When that didn't work, the offered to trade his new hat for the syringe ("trade?"), and finally, after I told him that medicine is only for when you're sick, he started limping around the room and saying that he had an "ouchie!" When I asked him if he needed medicine for his ouchie, he said, "yes!" vehemently. LOL this kid! Another cute thing that happened the other day, is that he started rearranging the kitchen chairs into a line. I wasn't paying too much attention to be honest. Suddenly he runs up to me to tell me that he made a "big blue train mom!"It was the cutest thing ever. Especially since he has put his booster seat in front, and it looked just like an engine car. Smart boy! He has also learned to put his own boots on, and gets them onto the right feet, 90% of the time!

Finally, Will used to be really attached to his stuffed puppy, but now he is obsessed with not only sleeping with, but constantly carrying around either his footie pajamas and or his sleep sack. He carries the pjs around by the foot and when he gets upset at something, he sits down on the ground and sniffs the foot. He has always done the foot sniffing thing to calm down or fall asleep, but it used to be his own feet (which he still sometimes does). Now that he has his pjs, he has a "portable foot" that he can sniff anytime, anywhere (haha). I have drawn the line at letting him leave the house with them, but while we are at home, the pjs have full reign. Kids are weird!
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