Eleanor at 11 Months

As of this morning, Eleanor now weighs 17 lbs 12oz, has a head circumference of 17 1/2" and is 29" tall. Compare her to William at 11 months.

I just cant get over how much of a kid she seems like all of a sudden. She understands concepts like taking turns and sharing, she understands commands and directions, she lets her preferences be known on no uncertain terms and she has all of us, Will included, wrapped around her little finger! One thing that she does that makes her seem older is with this book we have that has sliding tabs, that reveal an animal behind the sliding part. It took Will until he was about 18 months to figure out how to not only get his finger in the hole, but then slide it either sideways or up and down, depending on the page. Nora figured it out a few weeks ago and has been absolutely enthralled with that book ever since. Its pretty cute!

She's babbling a lot and saying things like 'mamama' and 'dadadada' and 'babababa.' I love hearing her little voice. She loves to hug stuffed animals and will bury her face into them and rock back and forth while hugging it. She also likes when we place a pillow on top of her. She will hug it to herself and giggle, and then throw it off and want us to repeat the game. Its pretty funny to see her little legs hanging out from underneath the pillow, kicking wildly in excitement. Her absolute favorite little game though, is to put one foot onto her high chair tray at dinner time. I pretend to be shocked and let out a gasp and say, "feet don't go on the tray!" and I put her foot back down. She giggles and does it again. She even starts giggling when I just gasp, before I even say anything. She knows better!

Speaking of dinner time, she is still a really great eater and is super adventurous. Her favorite thing is meat, any meat. She especially loves grilled chicken and will devour as much as a 1/4 cup of cut up chicken pieces! She nearly always eats more than Will! She also loves fruit and rice. Vegetables are hit or miss. She doesn't like corn but she does like peas and asparagus. She loves any roasted veggie though. She will eat Indian food and slightly spicy foods with gusto and particularly enjoys eating off of my plate. Anything thats good for mom is good for Nora!

 Nora's latest thing is that she will hold onto her wubanub while shes nursing, and then use the stuffed animal part to cover her eyes, and then grabs one of the legs and rubs it against her cheek. She has been teething lately and has been especially grumpy and wants to have the wubanub with her at all times for comfort. Its bad timing too because I am planning on trying to wean her off of it after her first birthday. I hope she goes back to wanting them less after these teeth come in. 

These teeth have been bad ones too. She usually never cries but lately she won't let me out of her sight for even a moment and wants to be held all the time and loses her mind if I leave the room and she can't see me. Shes even been getting low grade fevers off an on from teething too, something Will NEVER had. The clingines and crankiness is tough to deal with though as its hard to always hold her. She would be content to never be put down, but sadly that is not possible. I will be glad when this particular phase is over!

She is a little stinker. She has absolutely no sense of caution. When Will was a baby, he NEVER tried to escape out of anything: his swing, his highchair, his changing table. He was content to stay in place. In fact, I often wondered why all of these devices had all of these silly safety belts anyway. Even once he got mobile he took it slow. He was super cautious and took his time and didn't get hurt all that often until he was able to run (then after that it was a different story). Anyway, fast forward to Nora, and she is the opposite. From the time she was 4 months old, she was trying to escape from the swing and the bouncy seat and had to be buckled in. Since then shes thrown herself off of the changing table a couple of times and even attempted to do it out of the highchair (thankfully I caught her), and nearly off of the front stoop a few times (thankfully also prevented!). Shes just a wild child! I have true fear in my heart for when she starts to walk (which will likely be in the next couple of months the way shes going lately; shes already cruising)!

She is into everything lately! I have caught her eating dirt out of my houseplants, at least 3 times this week alone. Though the dirt beard she has afterwards is pretty priceless, my poor plants (and floors) are suffering! I also have to keep the bathroom doors closed or she will try to splash in the toilet and unroll the toilet paper. She keeps me on my toes, thats for sure!

Nora is a lot of work lately so its a good thing that she is so darn cute. She is a very social little girl and loves to visit with new people and NEVER wants to be alone. She is so very different from how Will was at that age. I am trying to look on the bright side and enjoy the extra cuddles rather than be exasperated at the constant crying, but some days I have a harder time than others. She is at least nursing better than ever before and is starting to see it as more of a comfort. I finally feel like we have an easy and comfortable nursing relationship (after 10 months of struggle), and that is something I am grateful for and enjoy immensely. As much as she was an easy baby, I have a feeling that she will be a very difficult toddler. So these next few months should be fun! I love that little girl to pieces though and I know that we will get through the tough times with as much grace as I can muster!
