He is at such a fun age right now. He has an incredible memory and remembers EVERYTHING: peoples names, things we did one time 6 months ago, something I said several months ago, the names of all the dinosaurs in all 6 of his dinosaur books, etc. Its gotten to the point where I ask him what someones name is because he is way more likely to remember it than I am! He loves to recite bits of his books, and loves to run and jump and play while singing silly songs and shouting nonsense words. He loves being called "silly" and "crazy."

He "needs" everything these days. I guess he figures that if he says he just wants something, he won't get it, but if he NEEDS it then he will. His speech is rapidly improving lately. Hes starting to use a lot more of the filler words like he, she, and, it, the, but, to, etc. Hes also much easier to understand now and most strangers don't have a problem making out what hes saying anymore. Hes also suddenly a lot more comfortable around strangers and loves to announce, "I'm fwee (3) and I have blue eyes!" He even says that when people ask his name. Its pretty funny. Here are a few other funny things Will has said lately:
"Sweetie, I peed all over myself!"
"I want a red M&M. Oh wait, actually I want blue!" (it kills me when he says "actually"!)
"I NEED a muffin Mom. I need it in my tummy!"

Preschool is going well. The first few times we went he ran in without looking back and did great the whole time I was gone. The last two drop offs have been a little more dramatic and he cries as I leave but everyone assures me that the minute I leave, hes back to being perfectly happy. I think this will be good for him to get used to being away from me, even for only two hours week. Hes been especially clingy lately (even with Michael around), and while its sweet that hes so attached, it kind of drives me crazy that I can't even leave the room without him getting concerned. So I am hoping that going to preschool helps with that! The other night I went to the dentist while Michael watched the kids. I was only gone an hour and Michael told me that Will cried nearly the whole time I was gone and as soon as I walked into the door he burst into tears again. Again very sweet, but not exactly what I was hoping for!

Potty training is going semi well. He is 100% day trained with pee, but still rarely poops in the potty. 3/4 of the time he poops in his pull up at nap time and every now and again he will have a successful poop on the toilet. I am hoping that the more he does it on the potty, the more comfortable he becomes and he can just do it without thinking about it.
I have to say, even though we are only a few months into age 3, it is going way better than I feared it might. I keep hearing mommy horror stories of how terrible 3 year olds act sometimes and so far, Will hasn't really done any of that. Not that he won't, I don't think I am in the clear yet by any means, but we have had a great past month full of good behavior and I for one couldn't be more grateful! I love my silly 3 year old boy!
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