Eleanor at 19 months

She is a really good finder. If she loses something, or you ask her where something is, she can almost always find it within a minute or less. She is like the complete opposite of Will in that. I have started enlisting her help to find Wills lost things even, since he often refuses to even try to look. Its pretty funny to see the differences there! Lately she has also really loved reading look and find books. Not surprisingly she has an eagle eye and can spot even tiny little objects in the pages. Her favorite is this book where there is a tiny teddy bear hidden in each page. She loves to find that bear! We have several of those kinds of books though and they are all in heavy rotation!

Every night before we start eating dinner, we say a prayer. Until recently Nora completely ignored this and proceeded to dig right in as soon as the food was in front of her. Suddenly she realized what was happening and started copying our actions. Its the cutest thing to look over at her as we start our prayer, and see her clasping her pudgy little hands together. When we are done and say 'amen,' she loves it when I turn to her specifically to say amen. She giggles every time. The whole thing is just too cute for words!

The kids each got a free balloon at the grocery store the other day. They are each infatuated with these silly balloons but the cutest thing is that Nora will seek hers out and when she finds it, she also has to go find Will's, so that she can hand his to him, and they can each have their balloons together. Every single time she grabs hers, she also hands Will his (and he couldn't care less). Its super sweet! One other really cute thing she does lately, is every time I turn the fireplace on, she runs over and starts blowing at the glass door, trying to put it out! Oh that makes me laugh!

This kid loves broccoli more than anyone I've ever seen. My favorite way to make broccoli is to saute garlic in butter, add white wine and then broccoli and saute it until it is tender. She cannot get enough of it. Last night for example, she ate 10 large broccoli florets and then kept begging for more. I would hand her a little one, thinking she would be full, but then she would just cram it into her mouth and then beg for more. Eventually I had to cut her off as I wanted to eat some broccoli too! This is not an unusual occurrence too! She is fine with peas and will eat corn and carrots and sometimes potatoes, but her passion is for broccoli. It cracks me up! She will even eat it spicy. This kid loves spicy food. I can douse something in sriracha chili sauce and she doesn't bat an eye! Will thinks something is spicy if I sprinkle a little garlic on it! These kids sure are different.

Ever since she was born, she has been the friendliest and most social little girl ever. She only had smiles for everyone! Lately however she has been exhibiting stranger danger, any time we go to a new place or meet anyone new. This coincides with an extremely clingy phase as well. She would be totally happy if I could carry her around all day long, and her feet never touched the floor. Alas for her, that is just not possible, and she has a small tantrum nearly every time I set her down on the ground. Even after I set her down, she has to be touching my leg or foot or just have some physical contact to feel secure. I love the cuddles and the fact that she wants to be close, but it definitely adds in a challenging element to my days lately! We took a month long music class and she absolutely refused to leave my arms for the first 50 minutes of the hour long class. However, in the last ten minutes of every class we would dance around the room, and she would suddenly stand up, and pull my arms up to make me dance with her. Perhaps that is more a testament to her love of dancing than it was acclimating to the new environment.

Another area of struggle lately has been breastfeeding. Our normal routine is to nurse first thing in the morning, right before nap, right after nap and right before bed. Then she will often nurse for comfort throughout the day several times. Our struggle has occurred with the before nap and bed time nursing sessions. She has been majorly fighting it and while I can always eventually get her to nurse in the end, its definitely more my idea than hers. I think this may be the beginning of her trying to wean and I am not quite ready for it. I suppose as she gets closer and closer to two, it is a natural time for her to wean, but I am still enjoying it for the most part. I guess we will see how things pan out over the next few months, but I sure hope she can make it to at least her birthday before completely weaning. If not though, I suppose we've had a good run!

Nora is at such a funny, adorable age right now. I swear I must say, "she is SO stinking cute!" at least ten times a day. Shes full of giggles and laughter and fun, nearly all the time. She has her little tantrums and upsets when Will is mean to her or she doesn't get her way, but she recovers rapidly and is off running and giggling five minutes later. I just enjoy her presence so much every day. Thank god for her!
