As of this morning, William now weighs 33.6 lbs, has a head circumference of 19 3/4" and is 40.25" tall.
After a long and miserably cold and wet winter, we've been having some warmer days, and Will has been fighting me tooth and nail lately about wearing long sleeved shirts. He will ONLY wear long sleeved shirts, even when its 70 degrees outside. Then he complains that hes too sweaty. So there have been a few times where I force him to wear short sleeved shirts and an epic melt down ensures. Finally we had to watch the Daniel Tiger episode where Daniel talks about wearing appropriate clothes for the weather, and that seemed to do the trick. The next day Will wore shorts and short sleeves with no problem. Thank goodness for Daniel Tiger!
Hes been lying a lot all of a sudden. Mostly about pooping and with the aim of getting candy as a reward. He still gets 3 jelly beans every time he poops. We tried stopping the jelly beans but he just started pooping in his diaper again. So jelly beans it is! He will get on the potty and say that hes pooped, when he really hasn't. It took me a little bit to catch on, since before he so reliably always told the truth. So now I have to either sit there with him, or go inspect the situation after he announces that hes pooped. Once I stopped indiscriminately doling out candy though, the lying mostly stopped. Will is also a master bed time delay-er, and very often uses poop to delay bedtime. He can squeeze a prune sized piece out, practically on command and he uses that skill to both get jelly beans, and have us tell him stories while he sits on the pot.

I was just reading the blog back from when he was 21 months old, and in there I talk about Will doing the 'post poop shake.' You can read it here. Lately we have been having him try to go poop right before bed (because he would yell out to us that he had to poop, an hour or more after he was supposed to already be asleep). So I have been sitting with him and telling him stories while he tries to go. I have noticed that he STILL does the post poop shake. Oh how that makes me laugh!!!
That same blog post also talks about how he likes to run up and give me hugs, whenever we've been apart for whatever reason. He still does that too! Its adorable! He also wants to give me a "bed time hug" and a "good morning hug" every day and night. I will never get tired of that!
We FINALLY got rid of his converted toddler bed and changing table/dresser and got him a real twin bed and dresser. Its amazing how much grown up his room looks without all of that baby furniture in there. It looks just like a little boy's room now. My baby is growing up! He loves it too. He got to pick out his own sheets (airplane sheets) and had absolutely no trouble with the transition. He was SO excited that first night. It was so cute to see just how pleased he was. The bed frame used to be my brother's old bed and the new dresser used to be Michael's old dresser at our old house. So its nice to be able to re-use some furniture for the next generation! I got a killer deal on the mattress and bedding too so I am pleased. Its good times all around!
He can now dress and undress himself, including socks and underwear. Hes not great about determining which is the back and which is the front (no matter how many times I teach him to 'find the tag'). So very often he will come downstairs with a completely backwards outfit on. That makes me laugh. He seems nonplussed about the whole thing. So I've taken to laying out his whole outfit out for him. Then he generally gets it right.
He must be going through a growth spurt lately, because his constant refrain is, "I'm still hungry." He will eat a large (for him) meal and finish the whole thing (rare for that to happen), and then tell me he is still hungry and after I offer him a few more things, STILL tell me he's hungry. He basically doesn't stop eating all day lately! For example, for breakfast today he ate a medium sized bowl of oatmeal, a bowl of melon and handful of peanuts and a cup of milk. After each item, he would tell me he wanted more. I eventually had to cut him off so that we could get out of the house. Then for lunch he had macaroni and cheese with a hot dog, a bowl of pineapple, an applesauce pouch, a bowl of watermelon, some crackers and a cup of chocolate milk. Again I eventually had to cut him off so that he could go have a nap, even though he was adamant that he was still hungry. I can't wait to see what his official measurements are at his four year pediatrician appointment this summer!
As always, Will says cute things nearly every day. Here are a few of the stand-outs from this month:
Michael often as a joke, likes to tell Will that he thinks about Will when he is pooping at work. The conversation usually goes something like this:
Michael: "Will, I have something to tell you."
Will: "yeah."
Michael: "I was thinking about you today!"
Will: "yeah."
Michael: I was taking a big poop at work and I was thinking about you the whole time!"
Will: "yeah!"
Then we both chuckle and Will runs off. Today though Michael was telling me how today he was in the bathroom at work, and he really WAS thinking about Will. LOL. Apparently he's told Will that so many times, that its become a self-fulfilled prophesy! I laughed so hard! And now that Michael has told Will that so many times, Will has started to tell Michael that he was thinking about him, while hes on the potty! These guys crack me up!
We were driving and someone in the next lane over honked at the person in front of them. Will said, "Mom, I heard a honk!" And I replied, "Yeah they honked because the person in front of them wasn't driving the right way." And Will said, "yeah, they were driving the left way!"
Will: "Hey mom, what day is it?"
Me: "Its sunday."
Will: *runs to look out the window* "But its not sunny, its a little cloudy outside!"
Me: "Haha! Sunday is just the name of the day buddy, it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be sunny outside!"
After a long and miserably cold and wet winter, we've been having some warmer days, and Will has been fighting me tooth and nail lately about wearing long sleeved shirts. He will ONLY wear long sleeved shirts, even when its 70 degrees outside. Then he complains that hes too sweaty. So there have been a few times where I force him to wear short sleeved shirts and an epic melt down ensures. Finally we had to watch the Daniel Tiger episode where Daniel talks about wearing appropriate clothes for the weather, and that seemed to do the trick. The next day Will wore shorts and short sleeves with no problem. Thank goodness for Daniel Tiger!
I was just reading the blog back from when he was 21 months old, and in there I talk about Will doing the 'post poop shake.' You can read it here. Lately we have been having him try to go poop right before bed (because he would yell out to us that he had to poop, an hour or more after he was supposed to already be asleep). So I have been sitting with him and telling him stories while he tries to go. I have noticed that he STILL does the post poop shake. Oh how that makes me laugh!!!
That same blog post also talks about how he likes to run up and give me hugs, whenever we've been apart for whatever reason. He still does that too! Its adorable! He also wants to give me a "bed time hug" and a "good morning hug" every day and night. I will never get tired of that!
He must be going through a growth spurt lately, because his constant refrain is, "I'm still hungry." He will eat a large (for him) meal and finish the whole thing (rare for that to happen), and then tell me he is still hungry and after I offer him a few more things, STILL tell me he's hungry. He basically doesn't stop eating all day lately! For example, for breakfast today he ate a medium sized bowl of oatmeal, a bowl of melon and handful of peanuts and a cup of milk. After each item, he would tell me he wanted more. I eventually had to cut him off so that we could get out of the house. Then for lunch he had macaroni and cheese with a hot dog, a bowl of pineapple, an applesauce pouch, a bowl of watermelon, some crackers and a cup of chocolate milk. Again I eventually had to cut him off so that he could go have a nap, even though he was adamant that he was still hungry. I can't wait to see what his official measurements are at his four year pediatrician appointment this summer!
Michael often as a joke, likes to tell Will that he thinks about Will when he is pooping at work. The conversation usually goes something like this:
Michael: "Will, I have something to tell you."
Will: "yeah."
Michael: "I was thinking about you today!"
Will: "yeah."
Michael: I was taking a big poop at work and I was thinking about you the whole time!"
Will: "yeah!"
Then we both chuckle and Will runs off. Today though Michael was telling me how today he was in the bathroom at work, and he really WAS thinking about Will. LOL. Apparently he's told Will that so many times, that its become a self-fulfilled prophesy! I laughed so hard! And now that Michael has told Will that so many times, Will has started to tell Michael that he was thinking about him, while hes on the potty! These guys crack me up!
We were driving and someone in the next lane over honked at the person in front of them. Will said, "Mom, I heard a honk!" And I replied, "Yeah they honked because the person in front of them wasn't driving the right way." And Will said, "yeah, they were driving the left way!"
Will: "Hey mom, what day is it?"
Me: "Its sunday."
Will: *runs to look out the window* "But its not sunny, its a little cloudy outside!"
Me: "Haha! Sunday is just the name of the day buddy, it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be sunny outside!"
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