Nora is still my good little eater these days, though she is more reticent to try things that look unusual to her. I served the kids fresh mango for the first time the other day and I was shocked that while Will tried it (he never tries anything new!), Nora refused to! The funny thing is that she loves dried mango, so I know if she just tried it, she would like it, but alas. For the most part though, she eats everything that Michael and I eat at meal times, and more often than not, finishes everything on her plate. Her favorite is marinated and grilled chicken. She can eat a half of chicken breast at a time, which is a lot for a kid that small! Her favorite vegetable is sauteed broccoli and her favorite fruits are grapes and oranges. I just don't know where she puts it all, since she is still so petite. Lucky kid ;)
Though she understands everything and can follow pretty much any direction we give her, she still doesn't talk at all, except to call me "mama" all the time. She recently however, learned a new word: "wiggle," and walks around saying "wiggle, wiggle wiggle" all day long. Its exceedingly cute but I have no idea where that one comes from. I never say that and neither does Will. I'll take it though! That is her 5th official word so far. I do hear her experimenting with sound more and more, when she thinks no one is listening, and I hope that means more words are coming soon. Though as I was telling Michael, part of the reason she is so cute, is because she is silent! Perhaps I shouldn't be too eager to have to talk after all ;)
Speaking of words, she has started playing this little game with Michael. She is perfectly capable of saying 'dad' or 'dada,' but whenever he asks her to say 'dad,' she looks cheekily at him and says 'mom!' while grinning from ear to ear and giggling. Then we call her a 'stinker,' and she giggles some more. Its cute to see her participating in a family joke, even before she can really talk. She is such a funny little thing!
She is getting better and better at running and climbing and now wants to do all the daredevil things that Will does at the park. I have to watch her like a hawk as she has NO fear! One of the things she loves to mimic Will in, is balance as she walks along retention walls and it scares me so much! Thankfully her absolute favorite park activity is swinging, which is a good deal safer! I spend a good portion of every park trip, pushing her in the swings.
I have been in the process of weaning her for more than a month now, and have just about finished the process. I had been taking some medication to help my milk supply, and I stopped taking it when I decided it was time to wean her. Before I started, she was nursing 5-6 times a day. Then gradually, as my milk supply dropped to practically nothing, she nursed less and less. These days its 1-2 times a day and she barely gets any milk at all. Not that she needs it, she likes it primarily for comfort. I am hoping to get her to stop completely by her birthday. I definitely enjoy nursing, and this past year has been SO much easier than our first year of nursing, but I am ready to have my body back and to be able to wear shirts and bras that don't have to be breastfeeding friendly all the time.
One little funny thing she does now, is watch Will like a hawk, and if she sees him going to the bathroom, she makes sure to follow him or myself in there. I have Will's old little potty sitting in there and she knows that if she sits on it, she will get a jelly bean. She also knows that if Will goes poop, he gets jelly beans, and she always comes up begging for one after hes gotten his. Adorably Will has always been very generous with doling them out to her, so shes getting a pretty good bargain there. Jelly beans without having to actually do anything on the potty! We are about to phase out the jelly beans soon however, and I am sure she will not be pleased at that development! As quiet as Nora is, she is NOT shy about letting us know when she is displeased.
Nora is such an easy going, funny little kid. She adores her big brother and just goes with the flow 90% of the time. She watches whatever will watches, eats whatever he wants to eat, does whatever activity he decides to do. She listens to and follows the house rules, helps to clean up toys, helps me do some chores (like laundry and sweeping), and in general is just sweet and relaxed. I love watching the two of them play together and their relationship is better than ever. I am so glad she is a part of our family!
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