As of this morning, William now weighs 34 lbs, has a head circumference of 19.75" and is 40.75" tall.

Will has been acting like a 3rd parent around here these days. He feels like it is his duty to not only report Nora's 'crimes' with religious regularity, but he also likes to correct her, whenever possible. He even goes so far as to repeat whatever directions we give to her, but in a much louder and more aggressive voice. For instance, if she throws food on the floor, I'll say, "Nora, we don't throw food on the floor!" And Will repeats, "NOWA! WE DO NOT THROW FOOD ON THE FLOOR!!!!!!" I always have to remind him that I am the mommy! Sometimes the tattling is useful, if Nora is doing something she shouldn't and I need to know about it, but mostly its annoying!

He has found a new volume lately, and that is LOUD. It seems he is constantly yelling. Anything that could be said in a normal voice, is now said in a yell, and anything that was previously said in a yell is now said in a scream. Also the potty humor has started. I've been kind of waiting for that to start as its pretty normal for his age. Now he will make up a variety of words or phrases with the words 'poop' or 'fart' attached to it, and then giggle madly as though what he just said is the funniest thing in the world. Oh boys! He has even learned to write the word 'poop'! Who know that bathroom humor could help with literacy?

I've been hearing all the little boys his age talk about poop (and body parts and other 'forbidden' things) for a solid year now, and have been wondering when Will
was going to start that. Well he has now! Suddenly 'poop' is the
funniest thing ever, and he will add it to the beginning or ending of
nearly every word, to get a quick giggle. Mostly I just ignore it, and I
don't allow it at the dinner table. I also indulge it from time to time
as I know its a totally normal phase of development. One sadly, that is
going to last a long, long time! As Michael had to remind me, he still
hasn't grown out of it! Ha!

He has also added a new word (or an old word used in a new way) to his vocabulary. Its 'yep.' So anytime I ask him a question, he responds with a quick, "yep!" It seemingly came out of nowhere and I kept questioning where he got that from. Then the other day he was asking me for something and I heard myself responding, "yep!" And I even said it the exact same way hes been saying it: very fast and kind of lower pitched. Hes clearly been listening to me. Its good to know he listens to something I say!

He is obsessed with opening every door for me and after he does so, likes to proclaim, "I am a gentleman!" And I agree and tell him that he is SUCH a gentleman. He loves it and now likes to help me with stuff around the house, and fixes things for Nora, all while proclaiming himself a gentleman. Its pretty cute!

He is also still really into doing chores to earn money. He has one goal in particular, he wants to earn $8 to buy this car that we saw at Target, like 6 months ago. I remember the trip well. He wanted to go look down the toy isle and he stayed there, browsing for a good 20 minutes. Finally he pointed to one car and asked me how much money it cost. I told him it cost $8. He tucked that information away in his head and basically never mentioned it again . . . to me. To just about everyone else however, he would tell how he was going to do chores to earn quarters until he had saved $8, so he could buy that truck. Everyone he told, would then report to me, that he had told them about this. And every chance he gets to do a chore, he does it gladly, so he can get his quarter. As of today I think he is a little more than halfway to his goal. Talk about dedication! I just hope that that truck (or something equally great at the same price) is there when he finally does earn enough!

William is a busy, energetic, athletic, sweet and funny guy. He makes for never a dull moment and keeps my days filled with constant activity and "look at me moms!" Though he gets frustrated easily, he perseveres until he masters things, no matter how many times something takes. Hes got a knack for climbing and does so every chance he gets (apparently he gets that from his dad, who was the same way). His social skills have vastly improved this past year, and while playing with other kids, I hear him introducing himself, playing made up games and resolving conflicts with more and greater success with each passing day. He is not really shy anymore, and will go up to just about any group and join in the fun. Hes learning to express himself in new ways as well and he makes Michael and I laugh constantly. He is my sweet little buddy and I am so proud at the boy he is starting to become. I am so grateful to call him my son and our family would not be the same without him! Happy birthday my big guy!

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