The other day she picked up a small branch from a Douglas fir tree. She looks at it, and then points to the Douglas fir tree in our front yard. I replied, "thats right, that branch came from that tree!" She nodded and put the branch down. Then she picked up another small branch, this time from a Western Red Cedar. She looks carefully at the branch, and then points at the Western Red Cedar that is a few trees down from the Douglas fir. I was amazed! I have never taught her about identifying plants! She is a girl after my own heart!
She continues to be extremely opinionated lately. Everything has to happen in her timeline and to her whims, or she will throw the biggest tantrum. I do try to work with her and give her time and choices as much as possible, but there are times when I can't compromise. Like when we have to be somewhere and she refuses to sit in her car seat. It is not fun to stuff a screaming, resisting and surprisingly strong (for such a delicate little waif) toddler into a seat and strap her down. I feel like I am committing her ever time. Gah! Fortunately just in the past week or so, these incidents have been decreasing in frequency and severity, so I am PRAYING this phase is near its end. Its been a LONG two months of this!
Other things are getting better though. She is learning how to share very well. I have been working with Will to ask her for a toy instead of just taking it from her. So now he will ask her for a toy and 9 times out of 10, she will hand it over. This willingness to listen and share more is helping to improve their relationship lately. Don't get me wrong, 90% of the transgressions are Will vs. Nora, not the other way around, but her being willing to trade and share means that he is more likely to try less aggressive approaches. Which makes everyone happier! One particularly cute moment happened at breakfast the other day. After the meal was over, the waitress handed each kid a bag of candy. After eating a few bites, Will decided that he would rather have the bag that Nora had. In between tears, he asked her if she would trade with him. Nora looked at the bag in her hand, mulling over the decision. Then she sweetly handed it to him. Those kinds of interactions have been happening more and more and it makes me so proud :)
Eleanor is suddenly OBSESSED with all things Frozen and Queen Elsa related. She has been watching Frozen every day, sometimes twice, and I plan on getting her some of the dolls for Christmas. She is also very into princess wear and loves to dress up as either a princess or a bride, though sometimes she will dress as a fireman or construction worker with Will. She is definitely starting to use her imagination and play games of pretend with Will. Its nice to see them playing together on a more equal basis and I've noticed that they play nicer (with less violence) than before. Its a nice change!
Nora is starting to become a less baby-ish in many ways, and is becoming a true kid more and more every day. Sometimes that makes me sad, but its also nice as some things are starting to get easier and I definitely enjoy the fact that her and Will's relationship continues to improve. I just love this little girl. She is free with the kisses and cuddles and just has the sweetest temperament (MOST of the time!).
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