We had our 1 month well-visit today and Daniel has gained 13 oz in 11 days to be 10lbs 15oz (75%), and 23 1/4" long (98%) and with a head circumference of 14.8" (54%). He has nearly the exact stats as Will at 2 months (heavier by an ounce though). He will have Hep B part two next week and then a full suite of vaccines at his next monthly appt. My pediatrician now carries a combined shot so this time though he will be getting 5 vaccines, there will be only two pokes and an oral vaccine - so much better than the two pokes in each thigh like Will and Nora got!
His vision is starting to get much better. hes able to focus on faces a lot more, as well as things like his mobile above his crib, and the dangling mobile in his vibrating chair. He loves looking at both Will and I and when Will comes up to talk to him, he will crane his neck to look right at him, studying his face. Its very sweet to see how much those two already love each other!
Generally he's up every 2-3 hours at night. I'm hoping those intervals start to lengthen soon! One night last week though, he slept for 4 hours for the first chunk of the night, instead of 3, and I had to wake up to pump anyway I was so engorged. So I guess I am doomed to not sleep more regardless!
I've found that he likes help with pooping and passing gas. Often I will feed him, and then lie him down awake, but drowsy in his crib so he can fall asleep. About half the time he does, and the other half he will start fussing 30 minutes or so later, and when I pick him up, he doesn't want to nurse. Instead he will release tons of farts and a few poops. Only then will he fall back to sleep. Apparently he doesn't like to do that on his own and needs some company while he gets his business done. Also he has only ever had one up-the-backer so far. Basically instead of having giant poops and explode everywhere (like Will and Nora often did), he will do small poops every time he feeds instead. They are gradually starting to get bigger recently so likely our days of having poop-free clothing are numbered, but its been nice in the mean time to avoid the extra laundry!
He is starting to self soothe by sucking on his fist. That has been helping him put himself to sleep the last few nights. I have been trying to put him down awake but drowsy, most of the time. And I am amazed that so far he is able to put himself to sleep at least half of the time, and sometimes more. I find that laying a heavy hand on his chest helps him settle immediately after I lie him down and he is still trying to settle. That and shushing him near his ear seems to really help the immediate transfer and then even if he opens his eyes after that, hes usually able to put himself all the way to sleep.
So far things are going well, and are about as well as they can be with a newborn. Of course its harder to get out of the house and its much harder to get all 3 kids dressed and fed in the morning. The kids have had to learn to wait more when they request things during a nursing session (which they have been great about). Other than that things have pretty much returned to normal, routine-wise. We have just absorbed one more kid into that routine. I expect things to get harder once we have a nap schedule to maintain, and he doesn't sleep as easily, but for now hes an excellent traveler and pretty much goes with the flow! One month down!
So far things are going well, and are about as well as they can be with a newborn. Of course its harder to get out of the house and its much harder to get all 3 kids dressed and fed in the morning. The kids have had to learn to wait more when they request things during a nursing session (which they have been great about). Other than that things have pretty much returned to normal, routine-wise. We have just absorbed one more kid into that routine. I expect things to get harder once we have a nap schedule to maintain, and he doesn't sleep as easily, but for now hes an excellent traveler and pretty much goes with the flow! One month down!
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