Eleanor at 3

Height - 38.5" (75%), weight - 27lbs 1oz (9%)

I cannot believe my sweet baby girl is THREE already! WHERE has the time gone?! I just love this kid so, so much. She is fun and funny and cute and sweet. She is so affectionate, stroking my hair, giving me little back rubs and foot rubs, giving me long hugs and bedtime kisses and doing the same for her brothers and dad. I love her sweet nature.

She is also a bit of a drama queen. Minor scrapes and falls warrant 5-10 minutes of crying, and much petting over and tending to. She wants a band aid for every minor owie, and isn't happy when I tell her they are only for bleeding wounds. This has been an issue lately as she has suddenly began climbing more, and
more ably (though obviously this results in falls from time to time). She climbs up big climbing structures at the park now, that she wouldn't have been able to even attempt before. Shes also climbing up small trees, after watching Will scale the ones in our year for more than a year now. Of course, she doesn't yet have quite the dexterity, strength and skill that he has developed yet, so I have to rescue her a lot (something I do not enjoy). I tell her (and also told this same thing to Will) that learning to climb down is part of learning how to climb and she needs to practice it. The other day she was stuck in a tree and wanted me to help her down. I told her she needed to try it first. Then I overheard Will telling her that if she couldn't learn how to climb down on her own, eventually I would stop helping her. Hes not wrong!

Nora LOVES to mimic everything I do, from the way I dress, to the way I style my hair, to actually copying my current activity. Today I started washing my hands at the sink, and she came up and started washing her hands at the sink next to me, even shutting off the water just as I did and drying her hands at the same time. She also likes so cook with me and will drag a stool over and grab her toy oven mitt and "cook" with me. She especially loves to help me bake. I let her put in the cups of flour, sugar and water and she helps to stir and lick the beaters. I love her little presence all around! I have always wanted to have a little girl shadow, and I am enjoying every minute of it! Its so sweet how she wants to be like me and do everything I do. I know it wont last nearly as long as I would like before she starts wanting to be and do things on her own more.

Her personality is coming out so much more lately as her speech is developing. She is very silly and loves to joke. Her favorite are fart and poop jokes (which Will loves). I guess thats what happens when she hangs out with boys all the time. She is a big favorite with most of Will'd friends and can play happily with just about anyone, with plenty of laughs all around. Shes started being a lot more vocal about defending herself and her desires to everyone, but especially Will. If he hurts her, or takes her things, or gets into her space, instead of just quietly acquiescing, she now loudly protests and fights vigorously for her rights. While part of me is so glad that she is showing some fight at last (and I secretly cheer her), part of me misses the quiet ;)
Nora is also concerned about emotions lately. She likes to point out peoples faces in books or in person, and identify what she thinks they are feeling. She will also ask me about mine. She will say, "mommy, you mad?" or, "you happy?" and she will keep asking me until I say 'yes.' If I say 'no,' she will ask 'why' until she gets a suitable answer. Its pretty cute but sometimes annoying if I am irritated!

Her new favorite word is "why?" She asks this incessantly. A sample conversation follows: "Nora its time for bed!" "why?" "because you need your sleep!" "why?" Because your body needs rest or you will get sick and grumpy." "why?" "because I said so!" "why?" Gah! She even gets on Will's nerves with that question. The other day the following interaction happened:
Will: "Because."
Nora: "WHY Will?" 
I had to laugh at that one! 
Her other favorite phrase lately is "Me do it!" She has to do everything by herself or she throws an epic fit. I do try to let her do things as often as I can, but there are times we are running late or have a time crunch for other reasons, and I have to get it done faster. She HATES that. The thing she wants to do most lately is dress herself. She has insisted on picking out her clothes for about the last year, but it wasn't until this month that she actually insisted on putting those clothes on herself. I don't want to discourage her necessarily because I want her to dress herself eventually, but MAN is she slow. I tell myself that is part of the learning process and try my best not to act flustered or frustrated by her dressing speed. I know it will improve with time. I can't wait for the day that like Will, she gets herself totally ready in the morning without my input! Dressing only one person again will be nice! 

Her imagination is on fire lately. She plays imagination games all the time, from playing in her toy kitchen, to playing with dolls and dress up as well. Two funny recent examples are, we were at the beach and someone had made a sand mountain. She insisted it was a volcano full of hot lava. She then put her foot in it and said, "Ow! Ow! Lava on my foot!" The other cute time was when she grabbed this stuffed beaver toy and put her fingers up to its teeth and said, "Bite finger! Ow! Ow!"
why her imagination games often involve her getting hurt I have no idea, maybe because of her big brother ;) 

Nora is a funny little contradiction. She is a super messy eater but is fanatical about keeping her hands clean. I want to move her to a regular chair at our dining table, instead of a booster seat, but she still just trashes the mat under her chair after every meal. Shes also a bit persnickety in some other ways. she has to put away certain toys in particular ways, the pillows on her bed have to be in a particular spot, and when she uses the potty and the toilet paper, she has to adjust the roll just so to hang a certain way every time. Funny kid!

Speaking of using the potty, we have started lightly potty training, and she actually pooped for the first time recently! I got her some new Frozen underwear and she has been motivated to try and use the potty more so she can wear them. We will see if this works and she wants to go all the way with it. I am waiting until she is ready to do it all on her own, because I hate to clean up puddles on the floor! 

So my big girl is 3. I am loving this age so much. She is becoming her own person so much more than ever before. She is a feisty, funny little thing and you cannot help but just love her sweet little self!
