The transition to three kids has gone relatively smoothly so far, but every now and again, I have more people who need me than I can physically assist at one time, and things can get a little stressful. Here is a little snippet from one of those moments today:
We had just gotten home from the park and William was literally moaning with hunger. I told him that I would get lunch ready as soon as possible and began boiling some water for mac and cheese. I had JUST put the macaroni noodles into the water (you know, that part where you can not now walk away for 15 minutes), when the baby woke up abruptly and started SCREAMING to be fed. I need to monitor the noodles and add hot dog to the water.
So I put on my ergo, strap Daniel in and start breastfeeding him in the ergo. Hes popping off every 30 seconds due to my fast let-down flow, so I am cutting hot dog up while simultaneously trying to contain the milk that is squirting everywhere and getting him to latch back on multiple times.
WHILE all of this is going on, I hear Nora say, "pooping!" So I tell her to take her pull up off and take herself to the potty. She does and a few minutes later yells, "I pooped!" Then to my horror, I see her saunter into the tv room, pants-less, having just pooped, then SHE GRABBED HER BUTTHOLE!!!! DEAR GOD WHY??? So I yell at her to NOT TOUCH ANYTHING and GET BACK INTO THE BATHROOM! I tell her to sit there until I can get the macaroni made and her brother fed (oh and did I mention that while all of this was happening, Daniel was ALSO pooping, and I was just praying to the gods that he didn't have another up the backer and destroy his outfit, my outfit and the ergo simultaneously. Thankfully this time the gods did indeed hear my prayer!)
A few minutes later I got the now drained macaroni back into the pot, put Daniel down, wiped Nora's but, sanitized the poopy toilet seat, changed Daniel's diaper, served everyone lunch, and restored general order. And now I am spent! Mama needed a drink after that, but I made do with a strong coffee instead ;)
We had just gotten home from the park and William was literally moaning with hunger. I told him that I would get lunch ready as soon as possible and began boiling some water for mac and cheese. I had JUST put the macaroni noodles into the water (you know, that part where you can not now walk away for 15 minutes), when the baby woke up abruptly and started SCREAMING to be fed. I need to monitor the noodles and add hot dog to the water.
So I put on my ergo, strap Daniel in and start breastfeeding him in the ergo. Hes popping off every 30 seconds due to my fast let-down flow, so I am cutting hot dog up while simultaneously trying to contain the milk that is squirting everywhere and getting him to latch back on multiple times.
WHILE all of this is going on, I hear Nora say, "pooping!" So I tell her to take her pull up off and take herself to the potty. She does and a few minutes later yells, "I pooped!" Then to my horror, I see her saunter into the tv room, pants-less, having just pooped, then SHE GRABBED HER BUTTHOLE!!!! DEAR GOD WHY??? So I yell at her to NOT TOUCH ANYTHING and GET BACK INTO THE BATHROOM! I tell her to sit there until I can get the macaroni made and her brother fed (oh and did I mention that while all of this was happening, Daniel was ALSO pooping, and I was just praying to the gods that he didn't have another up the backer and destroy his outfit, my outfit and the ergo simultaneously. Thankfully this time the gods did indeed hear my prayer!)
A few minutes later I got the now drained macaroni back into the pot, put Daniel down, wiped Nora's but, sanitized the poopy toilet seat, changed Daniel's diaper, served everyone lunch, and restored general order. And now I am spent! Mama needed a drink after that, but I made do with a strong coffee instead ;)
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