William 5.1

Hes been telling me lately that he is going to be kind to everyone and treat everyone nicely all the time. We had a conversation about how if he does this, it will help him to have a happy life. The conversation clearly had an impact though, because since then, he has mentioned to me several times that he wants to be kind to everyone so that he will have a happy life. I usually respond that him saying that, makes me feel very happy and proud to be his mom. I definitely want to encourage his kindness, as it can sometimes be in short supply.

This kid is just a bundle of activity. A typical day can find him doing any or all of the following: art, singing, legos, running, jumping, climbing, riding his scooter, playing soccer in the backyard, telling bad jokes, more running and more climbing. He just never stops moving! You should see his naked torso. Hes as skinny as a rail and is just solid muscle from all of the physical activity he does. Its no wonder he just sinks down in the water when he tries to swim. The kid doesn't have an ounce of fat on him!

He is still SO in love with Daniel. He sits next to him and talks to him all the time (and Daniel responds by giving him the biggest smiles), and asks to hold him every day. He tells me that he and Daniel are having 'brother time' and loves to make him smile. He told me the other day that he can't wait until we have another baby, and another and another! I laughed and told him that this was the very last baby, and that the baby factory has been shut down. He seemed pretty disappointed at that haha! We've asked him if he is going to have kids when he is a grown up, and he says, "oh yeah!"  He tells me at least 3 times a week how much he loves babies and particularly our baby. So thats pretty cute.

School started this month and he seems pretty excited to be back with his friends. Of course, more than half of the older kids and even kids his age, went on to kindergarten this year, so there are fewer older kids his age and more younger kids. But that doesn't seem to bother him much and he says that hes playing with the kids he already knew from last year, as well as making some new friends (who he can actually name this year). So I'd call that progress!

One other cute thing lately since school started, is that hes suddenly very good about washing his hands and brushing his teeth. Hes been voluntarily doing both several times a day and will excitedly run up to me to tell me hes done it. I am amazed ever time haha! He's learning his letters in school this year as well (the older kids get more of an emphasis on academic learning rather than just strictly play - though its all still pretty strongly play based, which I love) and seems pretty excited about that. Each week (hes still only going one day a week - every monday) he tells me what letter they practiced that day and what activity they did that represented that letter. Its clear he is relishing being an older kid there!

So all in all, things are going pretty well here, and Will is as happy and healthy as ever!
