Nora got a piggy bank for her birthday and ever since has been obsessed with getting money to put into it. Grandpa gave her a few coins from his pocket and she promptly stuck her hand in his pockets to see if there was any more! Michael bought a new truck and apparently the floor was littered with loose change. Both kids, but particularly Nora, relentlessly sought out each and every coin, and proudly emptied piles of them into her bank. Any mention of any little job she can do and she instantly chimes in, "Me! Me!" and then the minute the job is complete, she exclaims, "Money!" Sometimes though she stretches the limits of what I would consider a paying gig. For example, this morning she got herself dressed for the very first time (sans diaper, and the clothes were inside out and backward, but still she got them on!). I exclaimed, "Nora! You got yourself dressed! I am very proud of you!" and she answered, "Yes! Money!" and held out her hand. I had to tell her that one doesn't generally get paid for dressing oneself. She looked disappointed. Me too kid. Me too!
She is bad at hide and seek. We have recently began playing and not only does she not know how to pick a good hiding spot, but she can't understand the concept of hiding. When the seeker calls out, "where are you?" She responds loudly, "right here!" haha! When I am hiding from Will (and she is supposed to be hiding as well), she will follow me instead and stand, pointing at me saying, "I found you!" until Will shows up and actually finds me. This despite my best efforts to shoo her off. Apparently I have been negligent about teaching them this game, as Will isnt great at it either. We need to work on that!

She wants to do everything herself lately, from dressing herself (everything is inside out and backwards, and shes not wearing a diaper), to opening doors and snapping herself into her carseat herself. Some of these things she can accomplish, and others I give her a few minutes to try before she asks me for help ('you do it mom!'). The most common refrain in this house is, "Me do it! Me! Me!"

Potty training is not going well. She was initially excited when I bought her some Doc McStuffins Pull Ups. I told her they were like underwear and that she could pull them down to pee whenever she had to. Except she never did, even when asked, and they basically became expensive diapers. The same thing happened when I bought her some Frozen underwear. She would refuse to go potty when you asked her if she needed to, and then have an accident 2 minutes later. After cleaning up 6 puddles in a single afternoon, I had had enough and decided that she wasn't ready yet. Now when you ask her if she wants to wear pull ups, underwear or a diaper, she almost always chooses to wear a diaper. I think maybe she finds it too hard to remove all her clothing to sit on the potty, and then put it all back on again? Maybe once she is able to put her own clothes more easily, she will be ready to try again? I'm not holding my breath!

Nora is such a funny little spitfire all of a sudden. She now fights to maintain her rights, and has loud, screaming tantrums when she doesn't get her way. Shes started hitting Will (hmm, wonder where she learned that?), and has found herself in trouble for basically the first time in her life. The flip side of this is that she is also really cute and funny. Will loves all of the funny words she makes up and all of the fart and poop jokes she makes. Shes generally just silly and good natured and fun to be around!
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