Hes 14lbs and 25" long and is in 6-9 month clothes already. Hes the happiest baby ever - also the worst night sleeper ever. Thankfully he takes lots of day time naps and is very laid back and happy to watch the constant activity around him. Feeds are starting to get more efficient and its taking a shorter amount of time to drain a boob, which is nice!

Hes starting to sleep longer at night. A common night is that he will go to bed between 8-9 (usually 8-8:30) and be up for the first time between 3-4, and then up for the day around 7-7:30. Day time naps usually last 20 mins to an hour. He usually naps 8-8:30, 10-10:30/11, 1-1:30, 3-4pm and sometimes 5-5:20 or so. Basically he cat naps all day and it hasn't settled into a totally predictable number and pattern yet, but he is doing nearly all of his naps in his crib (if we are home) and he is still doing VERY well at putting himself to sleep when I put him down drowsy. Hes just a champ. Hes still eating all the time (every 1-2 hours) and seems to be growing well. Hes still in size 2 diapers but is now fitting into 6 month clothing!

At his two month pediatrician visit, the doctor asked me if he had many green poops. I told her that he does at times, but that they are mostly yellow. She explained to me that during a growth spurt, they can frequently turn green and smelly during that time, as well as increase in frequency. A day after that, he suddenly started having a bunch of green poops out of nowhere. Then right after that he went through a growth spurt. And everything that our pediatrician described happened exactly. And then just as suddenly as it started, it stopped. His poops went back to yellow and buttery popcorn smelling, and decreased in frequency from 5-6 times a day, to 1-2 (larger in volume of course). I just found the whole thing interesting!
He is very smiley, and social. He loves to coo and talk to us, especially Will. They will talk to each other non-stop for up to 10 minutes at times. Its very adorable! Hes such a calm guy too. Recently he got a little cold and I had to suck out his nose several times a day so that he could nurse and breathe. I remember the other kids having a fit about hating their nose being sucked out. Daniel doesn't love it, but he hasn't fussed once. Its like he knows its helping!
Apart from being a poor sleeper (really hes normal for a baby, its just that the other kids were SO good!), hes really an easy baby and a nice little guy to have around. He rolled from front to back a few times already and he goes down to sleep easily and regularly (though he doesn't sleep long), and is just a happy little guy, and of course, so so cute :)
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