Daniel is the calmest and sweetest, most relaxed baby ever. He sleeps on the go, he is content wherever he is, he always has a smile on his face, and IF he cries, its only for like 10 seconds, once a day. Usually I can anticipate his needs, or he tells me in other ways like a pseudo yell that he does. He'll let out a few, " aaah! aaahs!" and I know hes ready for his next meal or nap right away. Hes pretty consistent with his schedule so that helps too.

In the beginning of the month he started consolidating his sleeps around the clock. Instead of 4, twenty minute naps, hed have two or sometimes three. The first was between 10 and 11 and lasting about an hour, and the second started around 2:30 to 4:30 (usually lasting about two hours). So even though the number of naps decreased, he was actually sleeping more. At nighttime, he'd go down between 7:30 and 8, I'd give him a dream feed at 11, and quite often he would only wake once at 4:30am, and then up for the day around 8-8:30. Its was a far, far cry from waking every single hour like he did for the first month! That nearly killed me!

Near the end of the month he got his first tooth however, and that made
him less of a happy guy. His sleep has since deteriorated badly
as well (lately hes been up 4-6 times a night again), and hes a lot more fussy
and malcontent in general. I've tried giving him Motrin but that doesn't seem to help much unfortunately. I suppose I just have to wait until the 2nd bottom tooth comes in and hopefully he will be a bit happier after that . . . . until its time for the top teeth to come in. I just have to admit that the entire first year of life will is a total crap shoot in the sleep department. If its not a tooth or a growth spurt, its a cold or gas. Maybe this time next year I'll be sleeping well. If I'm lucky!

He is sitting supported better, has a lot more head and neck strength and his dexterity has improved dramatically (he loves to grab everything from toys to hair and of course it all goes directly in the mouth). He enjoys his rocking chair still, still loves his activity mat and can
now go into his jumperoo for 5-10 minutes at a time and play. Its nice
to have another area he can play in so he doesn't get as bored. Lately
hes also enjoyed staring at the Christmas tree. Hes a little dare devil and loves to be lifted fast into the air, up and down. He will giggle like mad. He loves to hold my hand or finger while nursing, and he is also starting to play little games with us. As I am changing him, my left forearm often gets close to his chest/head. Hes started grabbing my arm and hugging it to his chest. I will say, "hey! You've got my arm! Let go of my arm you stinker!" And he will smile and sometimes laugh like hes gotten away with something. Its pretty cute!

Towards the beginning of the month, he still hadn't shown much interest in rolling, after he did it a few times the month before. I guess he figured that hes been there and done that. However that all changed the first week of December. Suddenly he figured out how to roll fast and then he started doing it constantly. Though I have seen him roll both ways, for the most part he still can't quite remember how to roll from his belly to his back, so he will roll onto his belly, and then a few minutes later, start complaining until I roll him back to his back again. And then the whole process repeats every 5 minutes ALL DAY LONG. Thank goodness he is still wearing his merlin suit in bed, and so can't repeat these antics while hes supposed to be sleeping!

Daniel is a talker just like Will was (is). He tells long stories and is nearly always making some kind of noise or other (usually pleasant but sometimes grumpy and irritated noises - particularly if its time to eat or sleep or if hes stuck on his belly). Hes also starting to mimic sounds that I make. The other day he was trying semi successfully to do a raspberry like I was. He recognizes all of us and gives us each big smiles when we talk to him. His special favorite is Will and of course he likes Mom, aka the 'the milk supply.' He has shown no signs of stranger danger yet and all in all he seems to be a perfectly healthy, growing, happy and social little boy.
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