Eleanor at 3.4 Months

Nora is finally starting to have some success at potty training. We've been diaper free during awake hours for the past few days and shes not had a single accident so far! A few months back I went to Ikea and I dropped Will off at Playland while I shopped. Nora desperately wanted to join him but you have to be potty trained to go in there. I've been promising I would take her there as soon as she can be diaper free for one week. Michael was telling me that the best Christmas present for us would be for her to potty train, and I have to agree! I am more than willing to make the 24 minute, one way drive if it means shes day trained! Here's hoping!

Her language skills continue to improve with each passing day. I've been working with her, helping her to enunciate better and add sounds to the beginning of words. She likes to leave the first letter off of words, like 'jump' becomes 'ump' and 'snack' becomes 'ack.' So helping her to pronounce all the sounds in a word has been a goal of ours. I've also been making her say more words in general lately. Particularly when shes asking for something. So normally she would say, 'water please?' and I will make her say, 'can I please have some water please?' After doing this consistently for a few weeks, shes started to become more comfortable using more words and is now using larger and larger sentences on her own. Shes even volunteering information like, 'I love you mom!' or 'malt balls? I love malt balls!' She is finally able to be understood by people outside the family as well. So between that and potty training, she will be in a much better position to go into preschool next year (something she can't WAIT to do).

She has found her voice in more ways than one. Lately shes been defending her honor to Will quite vigorously. If he takes something from her, or assaults her or even so much as touches her car seat (their seats are next to each other), she has something (usually a loud something) to say about it! But she also has been making Will laugh more than ever. One of their favorite car past times is to make silly faces and say silly words to get each other to laugh, and Nora is successful in getting Will to belly laugh over and over, each car trip! Its nice to see that they have as much fun as fights at least! 

She is just the messiest eater. After most meals she and the floor are both covered in food. She still also struggles to use a fork or spoon very well either. About half the food will spill out when she tries to use a spoon, and she can't always spear food will with a fork. Will by this age had mastered eating with utensils and was way less messy, and was in a regular chair as a result. I'd like to move her out of her booster, but fear the dining chair upholstery will be demolished! Lately shes been getting lazy about feeding herself and wants us to do it, so thats one more thing we have to work on with her!

Nora is still the world's biggest cuddle bug and spends more time on my lap than either of the boys combined. She asks me to carry her everywhere (something I only indulge infrequently) and demands that I play with her all the time. In that way she is slightly less independent than Will, and I wonder what it will be like when he goes to kindergarten and she is left on her own to entertain herself. Right now they mostly play together and if she does something on her own, its an organized activity like a puzzle or painting. There is not much imaginary play. I suppose we will have to work on that next year. Such is the plight of the 2nd child! I do love the cuddles so much though and I absolutely encourage her to spend as much time with me as she can while I'm still getting things done. I am well aware that she will reach an age where she no longer wants to follow me around and do all the things I do, sooner than I'd like and I want to enjoy every minute of this sweet little age! 
