For the last 6 months or so, nearly every night, right after we put her to bed, she would come downstairs and tell us, "my body/brain says I am hungry!" It didn't matter how much dinner she had eaten or whether we gave her a snack right before bed, she would do this every night. If we told her 'no', she would respond, "But I REALLLLLLY REALLLLLLY NEED food!" and it would me us (really me) feel super guilty. Suffice to say, it was not our favorite phase. Just the other day I was remembering this and suddenly realized that it had been a couple of months since she had asked us this. Maybe she really was hungry and wasn't just stalling to delay bed time. Or maybe she was. Who knows! Either way I'm glad she's over it!

Beginning a few months ago, she she has started being afraid of the dark. I added a couple of nightlights, followed by some LED string lights to her tent, then got a sound machine with a projector, then a rainbow light wall projector, then she wanted some battery powered candles. I also have her a small LED flashlight that she keeps on the bedside. Even with all of that light, she still wakes up some nights, afraid of the dark and comes to get me. I feel for her because at her age I was also scared of the dark. Heck, sometimes when Michael is out of town, or I'm up late alone, I STILL get afraid of the dark! So I have every sympathy. So hopefully we find a good happy medium with enough lights to keep the dark at bay, but few enough that she can sleep peacefully!

Shes been doing well at her swimming lessons lately, and recently just learned to float on her own, without a flotation device holding her up. She was so proud and insisted that she show her new trick to me. I was reading a story on my phone when I hear "Mick-ole? Mick-ole?" I look up and its her swim instructor calling my name, so that Eleanor could show me her new trick. I just thought it was so funny that her teacher pronounced my name just like Nora told her to. That and 'bassert' (dessert) and 'basausted' (exhausted) are my favorite Nora words these days!

We've had some school struggles lately. When school first started she was super excited and always told me that she'd had a great day. The last few times however shes become far less excited and has even told me a few times that she wants me to take her out of school. I know she had at least one altercation with another kid where it sounds like they were fighting over a toy and that made her very upset. It wasn't until I went to her school for picture day however, that I got to see her interact around her peers. I noticed that she kept to herself in a corner, while the other kids all played together. I've since talked to her about it and she's told me that she is nervous or afraid to go up to the other kids and play. I've told her that its normal to feel nervous around new people, and I've given her some strategies on making new friends and dealing with social anxiety. She is a LOT like I was at her age so I can completely identify with her feelings. We will keep talking about this over the years and hopefully I can help her at least learn how to make friends, if not exactly become a social butterfly.

Nora is growing and maturing every day and starting to come into her own and develop her own signature style of living. For so long she was just SO go with the flow, that it was hard to get a sense for who she was or what she truly liked. In the past few months though shes learning new skills and has been exposed to new people and new ideas, and its impacted how she feels about things generally. I am glad that these outside adventures have given her a chance to develop a bit more and help her start to become the person she will eventually be.
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