William 6.7

Will just lost a another tooth this month, that makes tooth number 5! Its so funny to see how big the adult front tooth is that has grown in so far. It looks like a chiclet! I've walked in on Will a few times, examining his mouth in the mirror, and then he'll exclaim, "mom this tooth is SO huge!" I have to laugh, because hes right!

Speaking of teeth, after a recent trip to the dentist, we learned that Will has been doing a very poor job of brushing with his electric toothbrush. I think he was basically just sticking the head into his mouth and not moving the head around at all. Even though I had shown him what to do numerous times, and he even had an app on my phone that he was supposed to brush along with that taught him what to do, he was basically just too lazy to do it the right way. I started checking his mouth every night and was appalled at what I found in his teeth right after "brushing." So we started a vigorous retraining phase and he lost the electric toothbrush until he can learn to brush properly with a normal toothbrush. I keep explaining to him how awful it is to have a cavity filled, but he might have to learn the hard way. I hope that doesn't happen though!

I finally introduced him to Minecraft this month. I found a free, offline version that we could download onto the laptop, and as I expected, he took right to it fairly quickly. Its basically like legos, but on the computer. We've been watching youtube tutorials together (hes not old enough to search for or watch those alone) to figure out how to do things in the game, and hes been having lots of fun with it. Now Nora wants to play and I have to hear fights over whose turn it is and how long each person's turn gets to be. Sigh!

School is going very well. Hes made significant strides in reading, writing and math. He has been good at addition for a few years, but is now getting better at subtraction and has even started some simple multiplication from time to time! His letters are significantly better and more legible as well, and hes working on learning how and when to use capital and lower case letters. His reading is a lot faster and smoother and he can read most stories at a normal pace now, and does a better job of sounding out new words. Its funny how lazy kids can be sometimes. We recently had a conversation where he told me that since he had reached the standard reading level goal for most kindergartners, he wouldn't have to do much work from here on out. I had to explain to him that just because he was a little above average, doesn't mean that he is 'done' and that he will be learning and improving his reading capabilities for his whole life and that he should always strive to do his personal best, and not compare himself to what everyone else can do. I am guessing that is the first of many similar conversations that I will have with him (and the other two), over the next 12-20 years!

Will is still doing great at doing his chores uncomplainingly and gets $6 every Saturday. While he is a good earner, hes a terrible saver. Hes not sooner got the money, that its gone again! But I suppose that is hopefully how he will eventually learn to save. He got a new digital camera for Christmas and loves to take pictures, but was perturbed that he couldn't see any of the pictures that he had taken, and also couldn't take videos. It turns out the camera didn't come with an SD card, so he saved his money and eventually bought himself one. Now he can save all of the butt videos and random selfies that he wants to! Although his proudest picture was when we stayed up to watch an eclipse together, and he caught an image of it with his own camera. That was fun! He also loves to go to the grocery store and buy candy with his allowance money. Then he lords it over the other kids that hes got candy that they are not privy to. But then he usually breaks down and very sweetly shares it with them anyway! 

Michael likes to buy Costco chocolate muffins and Will LOVES to have these for breakfast on the weekends. He can easily finish a whole one himself, but is rather picky about them. He will not eat them cold or partially frozen (we store them in the freezer as it takes us like a month to get through the double package they sell there), nor will he accept them freshly defrosted in the microwave. So we have to be mindful about leaving them out on the counter top on Friday night, so that he can eat one, perfectly room temperature, Saturday morning. This kid clearly has it made!

Will is coming around to Michael's jokes, and while he doesn't necessarily love the joke being about him, he loves to riff off of Michaels jokes about others,
and can now recognize more and more, when a joke is being made. One of Michael's favorite jokes is to remind Will that he needs to wear pants to school. He says that Will's teacher called and says that Will is doing so great in school . . .  if only he would wear some pants! Will gets exasperated and says that OF COURSE he wears pants! So the other day Alfred was over and Michael told him to have a good day at school tomorrow, and Will pipes up, "and remember to wear pants!" LOL! He also rarely believes anything Michael says anymore, even when whats being said is true! We are raising a true skeptic!

Finally, I want to record for posterity, a cute little game that Will plays with Nora, and has played for a couple of years now. Any night that is not a school night, I let them stay up and play together, as long as they like, so long as they're quiet. They've invented this game called, "Cars Talking." I haven't really sat there and watched it too much, but from the bits that I've seen, and from what they tell me, they each get some matchbox cars, and sometimes legos/lego pieces and they play an imaginative game with back and forth dialog. 90% of the time, this game is a great source of fun for both of them and they can play it for hours. Of course sometimes Will likes to try to enact unfair rules or proclamations that Nora must follow to play, and of course she strenuously objects to this. So I've been telling her that the most powerful thing she can do, is to threaten to leave the game, and them follow through, if hes not being fair (since he really does want to play with her). But it is very cute to hear them giggling and taking up in Will room for hours on end, any weekend or weekend night. I love that they love each other so much, despite how much they argue!
