Today we had our anatomy scan. We were there for nearly two hours, as they went through her entire body with a fine tooth comb, looking for any anomalies. I am pleased to report that she came through with a clean bill of health! Not that I was that worried, but its nice to have the reassurance nonetheless. My one mistake was deciding to have both Michael and William accompany me. Michael was bored and restless, and Will both of those things plus cranky and hungry on top of it. Eventually the screaming got to the point where Michael had to remove Will from the room and I spent the rest of the appointment, alone but at least in quiet. Lesson learned. Do not bring a toddler to a two hour doctors visit at dinner time. Anyway, I loved seeing our daughter once again and am starting to get really excited to meet her finally. I have one more ultrasound at 28 weeks or so, and then we will be in the home stretch!
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