Nora is my silent little mouse with one exception however. When I put her to bed at night, I SWEAR she says something that sounds remarkably like, 'night night' (which is what I always tell her). She mimics me in other ways, all the time now. She frequently mimics hand motions in particular. Recently I was telling her to get down off the table she was climbing on, and I wagged my finger, telling her it wasn't safe. She looked at me and quietly wagged her little finger back at me. Shes done it several other times since then too. Little stinker!! She also uses her finger to point at everything. And she does it very dramatically. Your eyes are naturally drawn to whatever it is she is pointing at and then you get to either fetch her something, or remark about some curiosity she is fascinated by. Finally, her other favorite hand motion is 'bye bye.' And she frequently waves to us whenever we are leaving the room or coming back in. Its very cute.
Her absolute favorite hang out spot though, is our master shower. She would spend the whole day in there if she could. If ever she is missing and I go looking for her, sure enough, 9 times out of 10, she is in that shower. She dances and spins around in there. Most of the time its fine if shes in there, as Michael showers the night before, and its dry by morning, but every now and again I will shower a little later in the morning, and she will go in there and get absolutely soaked. That is great fun!
She loves to dance and dances frequently. Her favorite song is the theme song to the cartoon "Thomas and Friends" (Will's favorite show). When that show comes on, she will get the biggest smile on her face, and start bobbing and swaying to the music. Walking backwards is another specialty of hers lately. She does it with a sneaky little smile on her face, like shes getting away with a great caper. She also likes to spin in a circle a lot and inevitably, whenever she starts, Will joins her, and the two of them giggle like mad as they each try to spin as much as they can until they fall over from dizziness. Its so fun to watch them play! They both love when I play chase with them and we all run around the house, screaming and giggling as we try to catch each other.
She is a pretty good listener and will follow multi step instructions frequently. But more and more she is starting to rebel against doing things she doesn't want to do, or is told not to do (like getting into Michael's desk drawer to get his LED flashlight). Her new thing is to run away when she has something she is not supposed to have and you try to take it from her, whereas before she would hand it to you if you asked her to. She has also started doing this slow motion tantrum thing constantly, and its hilarious. She clearly doesn't want to get hurt, so she carefully lowers her bottom half to the ground and then throws her top half prostrate on the ground, in utter despair, while whining or crying. Luckily she tends to get over these slights quickly enough! I didn't even have to put a gate up around our Christmas tree because Will acted as the enforcer. And she listened better to him than she does to me! He would tell her, "no no baby! We don't play with the ornaments!" and she would cry for like 3 seconds and then walk away! I was all, "what the?!" I need to recruit him to parent her more!
In closing, I'll share an epic mommy brain moment this morning. I got Nora dressed as usual (or so I thought), and we went about our normal morning routine of breakfast and play time. During this time she had about 10oz of milk and 4oz of water. Then two hours later I decided to take the kids to play at a local play center. As I was putting Nora into her seat I noticed something was amiss. Apparently I had neglected to put a diaper back on her after changing her nighttime diaper! Somehow, amazingly, she kept her pants dry and this was not the catastrophe it could have been. I lucked out BIG time today!!!!
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