Will likes to speak for Nora and decipher her messages for us. Often we will ask her things and she will present to us a blank face. So Will asks her to say, "yes" or "no" depending on the question. Sometimes he is a stinker and asks her to respond "yes" to a question that she would really not like to respond 'yes' to. For example, the other day Nora had a fit and threw her water cup to the floor rather violently. I told her that throwing cups was not acceptable and I asked her if she would like a time out. She just looked at me, so Will said, "Nora, can you say yes?" And so Nora nodded yes to needing a time out though she clearly did not understand the consequences. Will is such a nice big brother ;)
Last Monday night we were in the car and we passed by the pool where Will has his swimming lessons. He immediately asked if his next lesson was tomorrow. We told him that he only has lessons on Saturday and he said, "is it the day after tomorrow?" And so I went through all the days of the week with him until I got to Saturday. He was quiet for a moment and then responded quietly, "oh. I think I can handle that." Michael and couldn't help but smirk in amusement.
Will: Nowa and I are both out of control!
Me: Yes you are!
Will: But WHY?
Me: I don't know, but I wish you would both stop!
Will: No! We are NOT stopping!
Every night Will and I do something called Lemons and Lemonade, where we talk about our day and highlight the best and worst thing that happened today. Usually he is able to identify the best thing that happened, easily enough, but often has trouble thinking of a bad thing. Tonight however was different. I asked him what his lemonade was, and he said, "watching cartoons." And when I asked him what his lemon was he immediately responded, "when dad farted and made the room stinky." I had to laugh and told him that was my lemon too!
Will has been more independent and more assertive these days, but that also means that sometimes he has been more blatantly defiant. We have had to take away toys and privileges in a few instances, for rude or defiant behavior. Most of the time, as long as he is not worked up or upset, he listens really well, but if he is upset in any way, all bets are off. As always, I try my hardest to be as compassionate and patient (though I have my limits) as possible, and I'm sure we will get through this phase as we have all the prior ones.
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