Having no pacifier has been disrupting her sleep and leading to some wild behavior. Of course it could just be that she is two as well. We've had quite an uptick in full blown tantrums lately. The other night we had to hold her down to get her dressed and brush her teeth and she screamed indignantly for half an hour after that, and nothing could calm her. Some nights however she can be quieted with just the offer of a drink of water.
She also had her first swimming lesson at the beginning of this month. I don't think I've ever seen her so happy. She was like a little fish, splashing and kicking and giggling constantly. Everyone in the pool kept smiling at her, she was so full of excitement and fun. It totally made up for her tantrum antics earlier that morning!
She has always loved dressing up in girly clothes, but just recently has taken the love of princess clothes up a notch. She insists on wearing these two particular purple (her favorite color) dresses all the time, and while they are darling on her, I do try to encourage her to try something else from time to time. She is also suddenly very into wearing headbands and necklaces and bracelets whenever she can. Her favorite necklace is this cheap, purple mardi gras neckalce that I got at my bachelorette party. She will wear that with the bridal veil that I wore to the same party, and strut around the house. The best though, is when she pairs that combo with the plastic princess shoes that she has. The look of pride on her face just kills me with its cuteness.
This love of princesses doesn't just extend to clothes however. She has also been really into watching Disney princess movies as well. She got Cinderella and Snow White for Christmas in addition to Frozen and Tangled (that she already had), and watches all 4 now with some regularity. I will have to get some more and introduce her to the full princess line up in time :) I just love that she is a girly girl and loves things like brushing my hair and dressing up fancy. She is a girl after my own heart !
This love of princesses doesn't just extend to clothes however. She has also been really into watching Disney princess movies as well. She got Cinderella and Snow White for Christmas in addition to Frozen and Tangled (that she already had), and watches all 4 now with some regularity. I will have to get some more and introduce her to the full princess line up in time :) I just love that she is a girly girl and loves things like brushing my hair and dressing up fancy. She is a girl after my own heart !
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