We had Daniel's 2 month appointment today. He weighs 12lbs, 13.5oz (73%), is 23.75" long (90%) and a head circ of 15.63" (82%). So far so good!
He was fussy in the evenings for about a month (the period of purple crying), but now that has finally seemed to pass and recently hes been a lot more content - thank goodness! Crying babies make me so anxious. If a boob in the mouth doesn't calm them down, I'm at a loss for what to do! I guess I've been pretty lucky to have such mild mannered babies thus far!
When Daniel was born, his face was covered with milia. He had more of it than any of the other two babies. They were like hard little cysts too and were difficult to get out. Eventually I worked them all out of his face though and it looks a ton better. Also like Nora, he developed rashy eczema on his face, but using eczema lotion 2-3 times every day, we finally have control over the eczema at last. It only took two whole months for him to have nice baby skin! Now if only I could get control over his cradle cap. Every time I think its getting better, it comes back with a vengeance. Hes so similar to Nora as a baby, in this way!
He is starting to be better able to focus on faces lately, so thats fun. He will look around, spot you looking at him, focus on your face, and then give you a big smile. In general he is a super smiley baby, and coos at me first thing in the morning especially. I think he is my smiliest baby so far! He also really loves Will in particular (the feeling is mutual), and will also smile and coo at him quite a bit. Will tells me they are having, "brother time." Its adorable!
Daniel still puts himself to sleep pretty well when I lay his in his crib drowsy. I make a point every time he sleeps in his crib, to make sure he is not totally asleep before I put him in. I really want him to learn to fall asleep on his own, and so far so good! He has been sleeping longer stretches finally at night (so waking every other hour instead of every hour - yawn!), and during the day will sleep most of the morning. Then by about 3pm, he has a long period of being awake, and generally goes down for his longest stretch between 8-9. At night hes generally up for the first time between 12-1, and is up every other hour after that. Exhausting! It must be because he is growing a lot though. Hes legitimately hungry when he does wake, and seems to need to eat every 1-2 hours 24/7. Hes in size 2 diapers though and is wearing 3-6 month clothing, so all that milk is going somewhere!
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