William is 10 months old today! As of today, his weight is 19.4lbs, he is 29" long and his head circumference is 17 7/8". All of the big mobility milestones I thought he might reach last month, are starting to happen this month. It all began a week ago, when I observed him going from sitting, to hands and knees, and back to sitting. Later that day he started to slide backwards on his hands and knees on the kitchen floor. A few days after that, he was crawling across the floor, inch worm style. Before when he was rolling, he could move around the room, but hadn't quite made the connection in his mind that he could actually roll to something he wanted to get. Now he has made that connection and crawls as quickly as he can, with purpose! The other day I had my back to him with my camera next to me. He was on the other side of the room, about 20 feet away, and the next thing I know, he is playing with my camera, smudging up the lens! He can't crawl normally yet but the little stinker still manages to get around pretty quick.
In the speaking department, he is not saying any words yet, but does still make a lot of sounds: screeches, raspberries, vowel sounds and some consonant sounds. He likes to mimic sounds but hasn't really mimicked any real words or said 'mama' or 'dada' yet. In due time I suppose. It is clear that though he can't talk, he is starting to comprehend some of the things we say. He can understand the following words: up (will hold his hands out to be lifted up), take a bite (opens his mouth), lotion time (he hates this and will start crying upon hearing the word lotion), brush your teeth (opens his mouth for the toothbrush), no (he understands this word but doesn't always stop what he is doing. Especially if what he is doing is super fun), walk (will take a step) and kick (will kick his legs). I'm sure there are more that I am just forgetting at the moment.
Other new developments are that he got four new teeth on his top gum (that was two weeks of hell!), he dropped two nursing sessions in favor of solid foods, so he is now down to two milk feeds per day (with four solid food meals). And though he is still going to bed at 7pm, his wake up time has changed for the worse. He used to get up at 6am, play a little, then go back to sleep until 8am. Now hes up for the day at 6:30am. I've been teaching him to wave, and hes done it a couple of times, but never on command unfortunately. He constantly shakes his head 'no'. He doesn't understand that it means 'no', I just think he likes seeing the world go back and forth. The last new thing that he has learned to enjoy, is going to the pool. We have been going to a local indoor, heated pool about 2-3 times a month. At first he was not so sure about it, but every time we go, he has more fun than the last time. He gets all relaxed in the water and loves to float and watch the other swimmers motor around. We are following an online swimming course for babies and will have to work up to teaching him to kick, paddle and dive. But all in good time. First he just needs to learn to love the water, and I think we are getting there.
It has been a busy month, full of lots of changes in growth and development (especially in the last few weeks). All of a sudden my baby is less of a baby and is becoming more toddler-like every day. This week my goal is to buy a bunch of baby proofing items, and go over our house with a fine tooth comb. His mobility will only increase and we need to be ready. I have had 10 glorious months of being able to leave a room and come back to find him in (nearly) the same spot. That era is gone and I will be chasing around this kid for years to come. Hopefully I can shed some pounds from all of the extra activity at least!
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