Eleanor at 2 Months

As of this morning, Eleanor now weighs 12 lbs 6.5oz (75th%), has a head circumference of 15 5/8" (75%) and is 23 5/8" long (90%). Compare her to Will at this age.

Her nighttime schedule is becoming more regular now. She takes her last feeding around 10-10:30pm, goes to sleep between 10:30 and 11pm, and wakes up at either 3am and 7am-ish, or at 5am and 9am-ish. She is becoming very good at falling to sleep on her own. I often put her into her crib drowsy or asleep at the breast, and as soon as her head hits the sheets, her eyes fly open. I have taken to just walking out of the room at that point, with my fingers crossed. Nine times out of 10 she falls asleep on her own. So we are definitely making good progress! Its nice to be getting more sleep too . . . at least until the next growth spurt hits!

Just in the past couple of days, her nap schedule has started to solidify. She refused to nap in her crib, so we were doing swing naps (which after my experience with Will I was reluctant to encourage). Although she still hates being swaddled, I thought I would try it for naps, since doing that worked for Will too. It worked and now she takes an hour long morning nap starting about an hour after she wakes up, and a couple of hour long afternoon naps each day, around the same time that Will does (Will naps from 1-4). Its so nice to have the break while both kids sleep at the same time! I know that will be a short lived phase and I am enjoying it while it lasts. One nice thing about her being the second child, is that she still sleeps through anything. Though we are trying to get all of her naps in her crib, I often have her nap right in the family room where Will is running around, watching tv and screeching. She sleeps through it all. Recently we redid our kitchen floor and she even slept through the sawing and hammering! I think Will was sound sensitive by now so its nice that she is not yet (though I am sure its only a matter of time!).

She is definitely more awake during the day now, and is often fussy when she is. Sometimes she will just lay there quietly and content, but more often than not, she wants to be either nursing, or in my arms (which isn't always possible with Will around). She definitely likes to be whenever the action is and is not a fan of being left in an empty room. I can't blame her for that one. I brought out the activity mat and that has helped to distract her and not get so bored just sitting in her chair. I hope in another month or so, this fussiness resolves though. I can't really complain too much though, I have friends whose babies just scream for hours on end each day, so compared to that, a little bit of fussiness is no big deal.

We are still dealing with her skin breaking out on different places on her body. Her face is looking much better (though she still has a few small pimples here and there), though now the rash (or whatever it is) is all over her shoulders and upper back.The eczema cream I've been using seems to help, so I will just keep using it and hope it clears up in time. I am actually starting to suspect that she might be allergic to pineapple. I have been taking these pineapple/papaya pills to fight heartburn after meals, and I started noticing that her skin looked a little worse for 24 hours afterwards. Then yesterday I had a bunch of pineapple fruit and today her skin looks totally awful again! So I will cut that out and see if it helps any. She is also still periodically choking during feeds. It still scares both Michael and I every time and we will be glad when she outgrows that tendency!

Her poop situation is still inconsistent (until I became a mom I would have never guessed how much poop would rule my life and capture my attention). Some days she has 3-4 poos and then sometimes days will go by with nothing. Its so strange to me as Will was always super consistent in that department and still is! I'm sure she will get the hang of it eventually. One thing that is hilarious about when she poops, is that she always gets this super concerned look on her face during, and then breaks out into a big smile as soon as shes done. Then once I put her on the changing table, she smiles again as though she knows that she will get a clean and dry diaper soon.

Nora is a lot more active these days and now makes little cooing sounds and smiles more. She also tracks us with her eyes. She has much better dexterity and hand/arm control than will did at this age. She can actively fight me with her hands when I am trying to do things like apply eczema lotion to her face, clean her ears or get a booger out of her nose. Its impressive! She is growing like a weed and has now completely outgrown her newborn clothes and completely skipped 0-3 (one day newborn clothes fit fine and she was wearing a few 0-3 outfits, then literally overnight they were all too small!) is wearing primarily size 3-6 at the moment, and is too big for size 1 diapers. We made the transition to size 2 a few days ago.

So far having two kids is not as hard as I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong, it is not without its challenges, but I was expecting the worst. Of course it helps SO MUCH that both kids are great sleepers. I get enough (not as much as I'd like, but enough) sleep at night and I get some breaks during the day, and that helps my mental and physical state so much. I have to tip my hat to those mom's whose kids don't sleep well. I don't know how they do it! Of course, now that I've said all this, my kids will start to sleep crappily again ;)
