The house looks enormous from the street. Its a very impressive looking house. I actually think it looks much bigger than it actually is. When you walk inside, the rooms are normal to small sized, about the same as our current house really. The only difference is that we will have an entire upstairs in addition, so more than double the space we currently have altogether. I was initially concerned that our furniture would look paltry in the new house, but after seeing the size of the rooms, I actually think everything will fit just right. We may not even need to buy much more furniture, which is a relief!
Anyway, the next phases of the project are: finish installing the windows and molding, the plumbing guy is getting started this week, and the electrical guy will start work early next month. After that we will need to wait a bit for the city to come out and inspect everything, and then things can take off again from there. We are still on track for a June completion date, which coincides perfectly with the conclusion of Michael's busy season. All in all we are pretty excited to see this fast progress! Below are the pics of the progress from the past two weeks:
Prior Updates:
Dream Home - The Beginning
Update #1
Update #2
Update #3
Update #4
Update #5
Update #6
Update #7
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