House Update #16

Well we have finally moved into our new house! Its been a LONG two years! Our old house closed the 29th and we were packed up and moved out on the 28th. We stayed at Michael's parents house for 4 days and then found out on the evening of July 2nd, that we had at long last, been issued our occupancy permit. We had our initial walk through to identify items that needed touch up or repair and then we started moving in that night and spent our first night there.

The kids were quick to adjust. The first night Will asked to "go home" but by the next morning the two of them were happily chasing each other around the kitchen and having fun sliding along the wood floors. By the end of day 2, Will was already calling it home. By the 4th, we had gotten most everything out of the garage and most of the interior unpacked. As of this writing we are finishing up little details like hanging shelves and closet rods in the bedrooms, hanging a few last blinds, putting shelf liners in kitchen drawers and organizing the pantry. Every now and again Michael or I will start walking into a room and suddenly it dawns on us that we are in a new house. But more and more it is starting to feel like home.

I am loving all the space we now have. Our old house was SO crammed with stuff, that even though this house has more than double the square footage of the last one, we have been able to nicely fill every room. We have just enough so that it doesn't look empty, but not crammed either. Its perfect!

There are a few more things that were not able to get done before we moved in. A few lights need to be repaired and/or installed. Paint needs to be touched up, fans need to be fixed. There is some damage to the floors that need to be repaired and all of the mirrors and the shower door need to be installed. About 6 different craftsmen are coming on Monday to get everything done, and so we will need to spend one more day out of the house (we will go visit grandma and grandpas house again) to allow the guys to finish everything up. After that the house will be complete at last. We just feel so blessed to be able to live in such a gorgeous house and are so enjoying the extra space! Below are some more pictures of the finished product.



Prior Updates:
Dream Home - The Beginning
Update #1
Update #2
Update #3
Update #4
Update #5
Update #6 
Update #7 
Update #10 
Update #11 
Update #12 
Update #13 
Update #14
Update #15


  1. Wow, two years is a long wait. But at least you have secured yourself a house with a wide floor space, and a lot of wiggle room to play around with your furniture layout and such. Anyway, I hope that they can do those finishing touches soon, so you can start moving all your stuff in and finally get to decorate your new home. Cheers!

    June Griffith @ Arnold Self


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